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  1. Grey

    Advice/Help Threads falling flat on their faces...

    Been in this game since before RPN was RPN. This is not a new phenomenon, neither is it a product of new crowds, genre, 'level', etc. It's been happening since at least 2011 (maybe before, but I was less active then). There are basically two tendancies in the scene - the legion of more casual...
  2. Grey

    Character Theory Do you have a "type" of character you're most drawn to?

    When I play rather than GM, my favourite archetype is a character who hates violence but is, unfortunately, very good at it. The kind of character who goes to great lengths to avoid fighting anyone, but once they're left with no choice, they destroy the aggressor utterly. I'm also fond of the...
  3. Grey

    Viewpoint What makes a good Battle Academy.

    I think it's entirely possible to make a decent battle-academy. I think a good battle-academy RP doesn't rely on that element; it has to be a mélange of elements unless you're doing some kind of meta-commentary. The question I think matters most is why are you using a battle-academy? If the...
  4. Grey

    Viewpoint What Makes a Great Group RP?

    I rarely ask for more than a post a week, or even a couple a month, but my most successful RP often had players get very excited and post a few times a day. I am always a demiurgic GM - I run the world and the NPCs; I am guiding a story that we tell together but I do not participate as a...
  5. Grey

    Advice/Help Do you write your character around their backstory or the backstory around the character?

    Honestly I have more fun as GM, and I rarely see a pitch that intrigues me enough to play (and sometimes when I do I feel like I'd actually be a poor player who would degrade the experience for everyone involved).
  6. Grey

    Advice/Help Do you write your character around their backstory or the backstory around the character?

    I usually start with a combination of backstory and broad concept. By which I mean I read the setting material, and then think either 'what kind of characters emerge from this world and why would they be interesting to involve in this plotline?' or 'how do I make this compelling idea cohere with...
  7. Grey

    Idea Post-Mortem Investigatory RP

    An example in a similar design space - which I think you'd like a lot, Malphaestus - is Gun & Slinger
  8. Grey

    Idea Post-Mortem Investigatory RP

    Cheers, Malph. I've seen a lot of games in the BoB lineage cropping up in the last couple of years where you can use some light mechanical levers based on genre conventions to help guide players to construct a narrative without a prior plan, but as you note it is highly reliant on a compatible...
  9. Grey

    Idea Post-Mortem Investigatory RP

    Alright, this feels like an idea that is best refined through practice, but here's the gist as of now. - Sci-fi - Dubiously horror - Light system (something in the BoB family if anything) The RP takes place on a space station and/or space ship. There are least four players but I feel like six...
  10. Grey

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    I like doing Quests sometimes, as GM, which is a bit like being the GM for a single character, but I feel like GMing 1x1 would demand way more from me than usual where I can bait players into doing half the work for me. The last time I was going to GM 1x1 was going to be a very intense...
  11. Grey

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    I endorse a definitive ending and discrete arcs. The one long-term viable RP I had used that model, and technically so do all of my RPs - it's just never get started.
  12. Grey

    System/Mechanics The Cruelest Animal

    Rebuiling the system in PbtA. Kinda. Looking more like this. Brutality: Dislocate a limb, or reset it. Speak without tact, act recklessly, dismiss collateral damage. Grace: Kill with a single strike. Act with precision, speak with clarity, be remembered as elegant and cruel. Intellect: Find...
  13. Grey

    Advice/Help Dice RP for a beginner

    I have a ton to resources for GMs, but yeah best to play before you try to run. And if you feel like jumping into Nine Billion Names let me know, it can pick up pilgrims as the story goes on.
  14. Grey

    Advice/Help Dice RP for a beginner

    MASKS would probably be exactly what baggysack wants, actually. Lovely PbtA cape game.
  15. Grey

    Advice/Help Dice RP for a beginner

    I'll second FATE Core as good. I hate GURPS, personally, but I think every designer does around the middle of their career.
  16. Grey

    Advice/Help Dice RP for a beginner

    These all have spaces. Fair warning - full character creation involves a fair few numbers, but I've offered to handle that for beginners. RULES OF NATURE - Cyberpunk Espionage Action
  17. Grey

    Advice/Help Dice RP for a beginner

    I have fairly general advice here: Tutorial - Dice & You But the best way to learn is by doing and I usually have one or more games available to join on RPN at any given time. I love introducing beginners and I am allegedly a good, patient GM for newbies. What's your poison?
  18. Grey

    Experiences What made your favorite RP successful? And why was it your favorite?

    Luck is basically everything. Source: I have been here since 2008
  19. Grey

    Viewpoint Why can't RPs seem to get Eldritch Horror/Cosmic Horror/Lovecraftian Horror right

    If anyone is specifically looking for a cosmic horror story I have you covered.
  20. Grey

    Experiences What made your favorite RP successful? And why was it your favorite?

    Dumb luck was responsible for my best RP on RPN. That and having a few IRL friends playing. it was a slightly weird fantasy setting where the players were the very diverse crew of an airship, trying to just focus on mercantilism and some personal goals while getting swept up in bigger conflicts...