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  1. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Gathering of Crowns A Distant Sovereign The rain gently swept down from the eastern mountains, bringing a spring smell to join with the salt of the air from the sea. Great thunder could be heard in the distance but was muffled by the time it reached the city itself. A...
  2. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Divine Sword Beholden to the Throne While the Grand-Marshal was away at the conference various preparations and matters were being carried out by her deputy, the Premier Legate Maxius Abbadon. The man with his white well kept beard had been Alessia's deputy for nearly...
  3. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Emperor's Hand So with time the other leaders filed into the Undercroft beneath the Great Citadel of Kyne's Shield, the second largest city and first founded in the Divine Realms. The Gateway to the East, as it was known. This was to be a gathering unlike any experienced by those present...
  4. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Emperor's Hand The journey had not been one Judar would willingly relive. The waves tossed the small fleet about, knocking everyone around for months on end before they finally arrived in Kyne at the Great Citadel late at night, or perhaps it had already become early morning. The bells...
  5. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Iron Bear of Pavona "Blessed be the light that graces our quest, may the hand of the Goddess ever guide our blades and our hearts." Alessia said before standing from where she had knelt praying to the Lady Aurelia. It was the morning of the conference in Kyne's Citadel, a ship bearing the...
  6. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    ✢ The Iron Bear of Pavona ✢ A conference had been called in Kyne's capital, The Citadel as it was known throughout the Divine Realms and indeed in the East. The Arch-Cleric of Kyne had requested that the leaders or representatives of them come to the Citadel for important information from...
  7. Oberons Veil

    The Blight of Mortals

    The Blight of Mortals The war, it had ended long ago. Even our forefather's fore fathers hadn't seen it. The battles were things of myth, the Shadow Lords were beyond myths. That is what we thought when I was young, just a little girl in this village not far from the coast but not near...
  8. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    "We have seventy-five thousand, and there are about sixty thousand in Val Calais. That's without pressing civilians into fighting." Legate Auridon's voice was firm. At least there was numerical superiority on the side of the Legions rather than the Geshkhanate. However it wasn't sitting right...
  9. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    Word had reached the Legate-Marshal Errius of the situation in Val Calais the day before. He had sent orders to several Legates to ready their forces and prepare to march to Val Calais and relieve the siege there. Then they would be put under the command of the Legate-Marshal Celaarian as she...
  10. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    Several weeks of preparation, and the only good news was that the Geshkhanate forces were settling into the siege of Malred, and that they had actually broken into four equal sized armies. Two had broken off and were moving towards Ostmar. Fortunately Fifteen Legions had been assembled there and...
  11. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The large hulking vessel was flanking by three smaller but still formidable ships. This large vessel was different than the smaller one she took to the Imperial Capital. It was a warship through and through. One that was meant to ward off any would be attackers. It mattered little at this point...
  12. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Gilded Queen The horses thundered on the highway of Valais, fine roads built long ago during the Golden Age and still sturdy as ever. Hyperia had abandoned her dress for armor. The walls of Val Calais came into view and a sigh of relief was let out from the group of dogged riders. All...
  13. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Gilded Queen Hyperia put her hand to her temples rubbing them gently as she listened to those before her bicker. "Valais must support the removal of th-" the man's voice was cut off by another, "If they don't support the throne the might of the Imperial Legions will end them!" They had been...
  14. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Gilded Queen Hyperia and her Legionnaire guards, accompanied by the City Watch moved through the sewers and tunnels beneath Val Calais. It took probably the better part of an hour to finally reach the makeshift gate that was the unofficial official entrance to Clandestine the City of...
  15. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The uproar was immediate and predictable as the daggers landed on the table, each of the various Dukes and Duchesses letting out various noises. The Duchess Avaline Tessier of the Dark Coast let out a wail of a screech as she careened in her chair falling over as the dagger smashed into the...
  16. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Ascendant Several weeks had passed and the tension throughout the capital could be felt if not seen. Those wealthy enough to depart to country estates or to the courts of other noble lords did so. Those who were unfortunate remained in the city, biding their time as they all knew the walls...
  17. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Gilded Queen They stepped off the ship and behold Azazel was up to his usual schemes, handling affairs as they were order. Hyperia was willing to admit that he had been one of the, if not the very best choice for Master of Whispers. He knew how to predict what she was going to ask and...
  18. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Gilded Queen The knock on the door interrupted Hyperia from her various notes and letters she had been writing to occupy her time, and the voice of the captain while convincing was dismissed as he only addressed her as Your Grace regardless of the times she had told him to refer to her as...
  19. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    The Council Val Calais, Valais, The Imperium "So we wait for her return." Trystan looked to the faces of the others gathered in the Council Chamber. It was a large circular room with a large circular stone table. the room was atop a tower in Val Calais, capital of the province of Valais...
  20. Oberons Veil

    L'Empire des Ombres (Empire of Shadows)

    Hyperia, Queen of Valais Imperia, also known as the Imperial City was large, much like Val Calais, noisy just like Val Calais but lacked the same homely feel. The buzz in the air of hope and friendship. Imperia felt cold, calculated and above all else hostile to everyone, citizen or not. For...