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  1. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Through Summer's late-lingered sun And moody Winter skies Remember that the moon is there Still pulling at the tides.
  2. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Restless Spirits What is distance to the dead? Misery, loving, company; I felt you across empty rooms and overgrown lots- might we haunt each other awhile? Rattle windows, slam doors, creak boards. Annihilate in mutual exorcism. Leave only the scent of smoke and shadow-stains. Letter To The...
  3. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Do You Love Me? If you ask ‘do you love me?’ You would not be thinking what I am thinking. And I would have to say yes; I love you the way I love everyone, Every precious soul That I would see safe, and happy, and loved. Let me hold you gently in this love Like a bird in my hands. If you ask...
  4. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Unless... Perhaps it’s the imprisonment, Which drives my thoughts to flight In the deep watches of the night Or dreaming bewilderment. In truth I have only intent, To bathe in your light And I think you might Like to have a visitant. Let me spiral in your orbit Even if I burn away, I would...
  5. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    From The Sea, To A Pyre I wonder sometimes if you’re lonely, as I am lonely, out there on the moor, but then how could you be? It’s so cold out here; I don’t even notice anymore. Only five percent of me is mapped and at a distance there are some who wonder what remains to see, impressed in a...
  6. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Junk Mail I wake to a sky washed-out grey-blue dash-dash-dash there’s no substance to push against nowhere for the thoughts to slow down. Yes we’re having a lovely Summer this side of the screen yesterday I slept for twenty hours and didn’t have the energy to regret it and I need you to know...
  7. Grey

    Story An Attempt At A Children's Story

    Did this fail as a children's story? Probably. Did I learn anything? No. Is it enjoyable? You be the judge.
  8. Grey

    Story An Attempt At A Children's Story

    Explosions rocked The Enlightenment as she circled high above Deadspire, smoke filling the bridge and klaxons wailing in the failing light. Wounded crew grappled in the tight corridors and exchanged gunfire across cargo holds. Bright scarf protecting her face from the smoke, First Mate...
  9. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Waving, Still Drowning It wasn’t the usual war that hollowed me out Stuffed my head with static Turned my limbs to lead. It was the only war that stole my breath Filled me up with tears That never seem to fall. It was a war I fought against myself And everyone beside me; We rarely looked up...
  10. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    Harvester Crabs are Sixth Circle Hounds; the smallest centimeters across, the largest known over a mile wide. Analogous to crustaceans, these semi-translucent monsters come in a variety of shades, with dextrous, flexible, almost gelid claws. As they continually grow over their long lifespans...
  11. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    Hollowed All that’s left in me are weak dregs of the sea that live in my veins. You should open up, sings the Atlantic, and return to me. Let the depths embrace you. Let the dark comfort you. Let the empty shell of your body hollowed out by the humdrum settle in the doldrums one last time and...
  12. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    Hounds of the Great Beast, Dopplers in their ‘natural’ form are inchoate heaps of flesh, studded with eyes and mouths, dripping with corrosive digestive fluids. They are normally encountered in one of three shapes – something desirable, something they like, or another Demon. Dopplers have an...
  13. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    The original kerberoi of the Fourth Circle were akin to hyena, with hides spotted by burning eyes. A Bladesworn aspirant to the Duchess Shaukur dan Tacticus wiped them from existence in an effort to please her. Now a rare few persist in private menageries. Hell abhors a vacuum, however. Where...
  14. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    Scyllae are the Hounds of the Third Circle - venomous serpents of varying size which resemble skeletons encased in ice, their bones clearly visible through the clearer patches of their frozen outer shells. Shell is oftentimes very app - all Scyllae are at their heart skeletal serpents, the...
  15. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    There is much debate on the true nature of the Ooze. Are Ooze the Hounds of Hell’s Night, or is the Ooze the Hound? Ooze is highly adaptable and comes in many forms, but all Ooze share a few common traits. Regardless of size – from a small handful to heaving, passively malevolent lake – all...
  16. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    The Aubade Each of Hell’s Circles has a beast of such expressive form that it becomes known as the Hound to that Circle. Unsurprisingly, this term is applied to things which stretch the fragile boundaries of the word. In the case of the Hellsun, the ‘Hound’ is in fact a feline of prodigious...
  17. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    The Fiends of the Sixth Circle are called The Forged - explicitly built by other Demons from a collection of parts, often to serve a particular end. While they might be made from wholly mechanical parts, organic parts, or a mix, the end result often mimicks biology to some degree. it's not...
  18. Grey

    Other A Taxonomy of the Demon Realm

    The Fiends of the Fifth Circle, the Great Beast, are called Raveners. It is all but impossible to recognize a Ravener by sight, for their forms are limitless, and they are likely to be equine, or octopoid, as easily as human-shaped. The only consistent tells are an empty space somewhere in their...
  19. Grey

    Poetry A Modest Collection

    I am open to criticism, incidentally. Always room to improve.
  20. Grey

    Poetry I wrote you some flowers

    In my experience, the community is receptive to lessons like that, but rarely ask for them. And also at least one person will beef with you over presuming to teach people anything about art.