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  1. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    @White Masquerade Name: Bushin Hokusai Nicknames: N/A Gender: Male Age: 27, apparent age is “Holy fuck what help me” Race: Human, though it may take you awhile to get that at first sight. Personality: Hokusai has a rather abrasive, frank personality. He has only just just started...
  2. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    Personally I have no clue about that tag :P
  3. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    If you mean you want a dump of the raw code when you convert to code editor, I can do that. Though that might require me having to put them in a pastebin or such.
  4. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    I'm alreet, always here to PM to chat with :) and no worries, the characters were doing nothing anyway.
  5. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    These are some characters I sadly never got to do much with, the RP's they were used in generally falling flat rather fast. Do with them whatever the hell you want. They're some years old but have plentiful detail so should leave enough to work with.
  6. PicaPirate

    Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

    That I do, give me a moment and I'll paste a bunch I have lying around festering.
  7. PicaPirate

    The Not-So Future (Based on dream)

    This is based on a dream I had during a midday to afternoon nap, which was rather quite interesting. The main reason I thought it such good RP material was because it transported several young people to live through this. Rip it apart as much as you can into something more feasible, since below...
  8. PicaPirate

    Abandoning Roleplays :/ (solved)

    The key is to limit how many roleplays you do so you don't find yourself with too much on your plate. It can otherwise be stressful juggling it all. Sent from my TARDIS using Tapatalk
  9. PicaPirate

    I need advice on making better RP characters

    I can totally understand where you are coming from, as I worried myself over this in the past. The first gripe is something that while it may worry you, not to be afraid about. Go out there and experience detail if you so wish! You can only learn by failure and success in your posts and to...
  10. PicaPirate

    Monster Maker

    If you need any more detail just holler :) Anyway, I'd love to have this White Fatalis: In a pose like this: That is just the pose they would do, I would still prefer it to be of a proper type detail and not a tribal, it...
  11. PicaPirate

    What Defines A "Good" vs. a "Great" Role-Player?

    For me a great RP'er is something that brings a smile to your face. Of course what makes RP great in general is the team effort. So when you have several people who are great at RP, take a situation, blow it up to 100x scale and have a great time making believable characters, readers/other...