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  1. Komaeda

    Denying Character Applications: How to Handle it?

    ^I agree but I typically only pm people if it's a major enough thing. If it can be settled in 2 minutes I don't think you have to pm
  2. Komaeda

    Denying Character Applications: How to Handle it?

    Personally, I am also like your friend. My friend and often collab partner isn't though so I've learned from him. From my experience, if it's only a minor issue (such as picture or bio not adding up, or personality being a bit mary-sue ish) I'll quote their post and say what needs to be fixed...
  3. Komaeda

    First time creating a role-play

    It sounds like a really cool idea, and I'd even help you if you'd like, but I've tried to do an MMORPG RP too, and it died pretty quickly. I can definitely help you with gimmicks and stuff and can also help with recruits :3
  4. Komaeda

    RP "Standards"

    How high are your standards? I'll try anything at least once. There's a few things I'm instantly drawn to but I'd only decline a RP if I've done the exact same thing before and had issues. AKA Rarely. My one thing is that I get frustrated when people can't use proper grammar. How many RP are...
  5. Komaeda

    Character Sheet Template (Open to Critique)

    I like it, it looks really cool. Being honest though unless you're going for a multi-para to novella type rp I'm not sure most everyone would want to type up ALL that. Although I may keep it in mind for my OCs if that's okay
  6. Komaeda

    Mafia styled roleplay?

    Um, forgive me if this is the wrong section. I haven't been here in a while....Have any of you guys played Mafia? It's a type of roleplay game and I was wondering if it would fit anywhere here? For those who don't know I'll explain the roles. Mafia is a game consisting of 2 factions...
  7. Komaeda

    Mental Issues

    Okay, first off the rainbows and lollipops comment was mostly because I could think of nothing else to wrap up what I said before, cuz I couldn't really leave it off otherwise cuz it looked unfinished. I wasn't trying to put words between the lines it just kind of seemed like you didn't like the...
  8. Komaeda

    Mental Issues

    I'm gonna be up and honest right here. I go to therapy every week, I've been in a mental hospital before, I've been diagnosed with mild Autism, mood regulation disorder, and have been misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia. So when it comes to asylum rp's and such if anyone could actually closely...
  9. Komaeda

    How do I tell someone they're a terrible roleplayer?

    @Salt Lord well you may but others may not. What I would say is something along the lines of "Look, I'm just going to be honest. I'm getting tired of Roleplaying with you because [reasons; Gary stue, grammar, conflict issues, etc] and I don't want to continue working with you until I can see you...
  10. Komaeda

    How do I tell someone they're a terrible roleplayer?

    @Salt Lord ; um, no. In situations like this being too blunt isn't good at all, but you also don't want to sugarcoat it too much. Saying "you suck" is just feeding the flames.
  11. Komaeda

    How do I tell someone they're a terrible roleplayer?

    Well first of all you definitely have the right to tell him you don't want to rp with him anymore. And you have legitimate complaints, so the important thing is how you handle it, as there is a difference between being mean and being constructive. You could tell him why you feel he is a bad...
  12. Komaeda

    Why did you begin Roleplaying?

    <p> We all started somewhere. Did you have a specific motive, or did it just look fun? Post here! For me, I started Roleplaying at the age of 12 years old. My writing skills weren't as good back then and I saw roleplay as a fun way to improve my writing skills (as well as my acting skills...