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  1. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Any Roleplaying/Writing tips?

    First of all, what do you mean by "pop"? If you want more vocabulary choices, brush up your knowledge by reading more. Using a thesaurus isn't a bad choice either! If it's down to muse, then work with your characters more- flesh them out until they start wanting to act on their own, that's how...
  2. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Partner want's something specific but also won't tell me what they want, please help

    I can totally relate to not being able to find partners here- but it takes time! I've found one partner I've  really clicked with, just be persistent and hopefully you'll find someone! I also like to think of finding partners as not just finding someone to write with, but finding someone to be...
  3. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Partner want's something specific but also won't tell me what they want, please help

    Yikes, I'm glad you dropped him. Sounds like he was overly defensive about his character and couldn't handle criticism or sharing the story, which isn't the way to roleplay with someone. It's a collaborative experience. Have you tried roleplaying with people that you don't know? Sounds like he...
  4. Caroline1539

    Other Ever get a little sad seeing someone's interest check get little to no traction?

    The reason why you don't get notifications for threads that you make is that you have to  watch your own threads. Why it's designed like that is beyond me, but once I watched my own threads I got consistent updates. Shoutout to that one person who messaged one of my first interest checks and I...
  5. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help How to balance work/rp/life/etc?

    For me, I'm solely a 1x1 roleplayer. My partners and I all understand that we have busy schedules, and so we tend to just reply when we're able to. No schedule, no nothing, just when we have the time and energy. Of course, that's variable, but I think it's better to have partners who don't have...
  6. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint Fav thing about writing?

    Being able to delve into perspectives I don't have myself and being able to really dig into why characters do the things they do- especially those considered villians.
  7. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    One roleplay trait I don't understand is high school roleplays. I might get it if the kids playing were younger than that and excited by the idea of high school, but I'm an adult. XD Why would I ever want to return to high school and all the clique related stuff there?
  8. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint Why Don't People Do More Crossovers?

    Okay, I'm a little perplexed by this line of thinking. Wouldn't you be able to explore the characters and settings more by having those that are unfamiliar to it interact with it? Like, depth of complexity having different personalities and experiences become exposed to one another via the...
  9. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint Why Don't People Do More Crossovers?

    Bumping this to see what others might think of the ideas presented here!
  10. Caroline1539

    Other Fun Poll

    I really love sci-fi and horror! Give me stuff like Portal, Half-Life and The Stanley Parable any day!
  11. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint Wondering About Tenses...

    I use past tense and I have since I began writing! Although, in some instances I tend to swap to present tense, but it's never consistent. XD
  12. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Threads falling flat on their faces...

    Honestly I've encountered this problem in the 1x1 scene as well. You get an interest check up or you respond to someone else's, you get into the brainstorming stage, everything's going great, annnnd...they dissappear. I think it might just be a general season of disinterest or lack of...
  13. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help What's your favourite magical power to rp?

    Honestly? Reality Manipulation. Hypnosis. Messing with people's perception of reality, really overpowered nonsense.
  14. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint What fandoms do you miss, or what are some you can't find partners for?

    I second this for Portal. Apparently no one knows what Valve games are anymore.
  15. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Getting into character

    What sort of characters are we talking about? OCs or canon characters? For me personally, canon characters are easier to play because they already have a set personality- I know who they are and what they want, because I've already seen them in action. For OCs it's a bit trickier- I usually...
  16. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Longer replies?

    Mostly I think my longer replies are due to the characters I work with considering their situations- for example, I'll have their internal emotions being written out as well as their dialouge. Or, I'll have them consider their surroundings- what it looks like, how they see it, how it makes them...
  17. Caroline1539

    Character Theory There's a knock at your door... It's your character.

    The last folks I've roleplayed were all from Portal: all of them are victims of circumstance, so I don't think any of them would be too mad at me. Wheatley would be very sweet and probably curious about how this whole "writing" thing works. Ask me a ton of questions as to how his stories play...
  18. Caroline1539

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    "Faculties" could make some sense, if the player was referring to like, the nervous system of the unfortunate soul specifically. What confuses me more is "smitten". Isn't that another word for feeling affection for another person? How does it make sense here? XD
  19. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint The Character Has "Taken a Life Of Its Own"

    I'll attempt to answer both queries! The first is true for me at least. With Original Characters especially, taking a life of their own is paramount for my ability to write. I could consider it almost a form of acting, where the character develops a personality and values of their own that are...
  20. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint How do you feel about self-inserts? Is it weird for you or just me?

    I really feel that. A handful of years ago I was involved with a group roleplay where the GM had an inner circle of friends that could do no wrong. Meanwhile, he constantly railroaded everyone else and had his self insert character  literally be God. I stayed in that situation even after it...