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  1. PicaPirate

    Fandom Cinderella Phenomenon Fandom/Fantasy rp

    That works, I plan on playing the human in that plot idea anyway.
  2. PicaPirate

    Fandom Cinderella Phenomenon Fandom/Fantasy rp

    As a group RP eh? Well my idea then still stands ;)
  3. PicaPirate

    Fandom Cinderella Phenomenon Fandom/Fantasy rp

    I'm very much interested in the idea, to twist it a bit, of a romance between a witch and one of the humans cursed. For example, a witch that purposefully makes a curse so the human falls for them, or anything far more awkward in scenario, such as cursed to be with a princess but he rejects the...
  4. PicaPirate

    Realistic or Modern Closed

    Ayyy a fellow German. Half German raised in Nordrhein-Westfalen here. Anyhow, I'd totally be up for a discussion on a fantasy or sci fi (both high and low) plot of some form. I'm most comfortable with MxF with me playing male, but anyhow, I'll PM you.
  5. PicaPirate

    Fantasy Searching for an experienced fantasy RP partner!!

    I'm interested in this. I tend to write at 400 words as any more and my nag for purple prose gets to me. High Fantasy is of course always fun to have a bash at, read enough Mercedes Lackey, Raymond Feist etc. in my life. And I enjoy mature themes, they do wonders for plot development :')
  6. PicaPirate

    Realistic or Modern I'll pretend my ships not sinking (always looking, romance ~)

    I'll send a PM, just posting here to shoe interest with plot 2.
  7. PicaPirate

    Realistic or Modern Romance/Mxf/Male partner needed

    Ah why not, may as well get back into doing 1x1 on here. I'm fairly open to any plot craving you have, I like challenging myself to do what I'm thrown with and my only current RP craving isn't suited for 1x1 scenarios. Feel free to shoot me a PM, though you can also find me on the RPN Discord...
  8. PicaPirate

    1 V 1, FIGHT. (not really.)

    Sounds interesting, something casual and non-dramatic would certainly be good for my heart after all the trauma my recent characters had. Feel free to PM other ideas you have or particular cravings that I could work with.
  9. PicaPirate

    Looking for long term rp partners :]

    How about mixing the two, a fantasy dystopian where all of said race can shift to dragons, and females are as described? Feel free to PM me for more discussion, as the shifting sounds fun!
  10. PicaPirate

    Looking after a long absence

    Oh dear D: cool!
  11. PicaPirate

    Looking after a long absence

    Haha, a typical scenario to many films. At least the films aren't butchering the books like some films >.>
  12. PicaPirate

    Looking after a long absence

    I'm curious to do the DemonxHuman (with the F being demon), or possibly Divergent. I need to read the books for them, but seeing the 2nd movie in cinema soon :) Plus we have neighbouring timezones ;D
  13. PicaPirate

    Looking for a partner for a 1x1 original roleplay (either MxF or FxF)

    I have a character premade to use in a prince x princess one, I can shoot you it and see what you think and if it could be used in that :)