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  1. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Looking for partners.

    @anohito I will pm you when I am on my computer @SumarRae kitsunes are Japanese fox spirits. So kind of like neckos but instead of cats they are foxes and part of traditional Japanese folk lore.
  2. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Looking for partners.

    sorry I didn't respond sooner I forgot I had some things.... So anyways I am up for apocalyptic I always seem to go back on things I said because, eh I can never make up my mind. The one I was in died so now I am up for one!
  3. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Looking for partners.

    Looking for 1x1 partners for some existing characters of mine. before I get to the good stuff here are some rules and what I am looking for. Rules! 1. no godmodding/ mary sues or stus 2. no one liners! my responses are usually at least 5 sentences long. 3. I like romance (I do not make...