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  1. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Warhammer 40k: Progress, as Tau Shall -- 1x1 sophisticated Roleplay

    PROGRESS, AS TAU SHALL: Intro Video: (60 seconds) This is a game where I would "GM" that is Game-Master the adventure and my partner would play the Tau Commander in charge of a small team of Tau trying to use their own abilities and troops and resources to solve Planetary Crises and expand...
  2. Beckoncall

    Fandom Alex's Fandom Plaza

    I know it's tough sometimes. If I shared your interests I'd be all over your interest check on principle. ;) wish you all the luck.
  3. Beckoncall

    Fandom Alex's Fandom Plaza

    You're definitely not doing much I'd consider wrong, but I think your interest checks could sizzle a little more. Here is where you stumble I think: A) change you accepting age to 18+, you don't want 18+s who'd be interested but don't play with minors to be excluded, and you're not losing much...
  4. Beckoncall

    Fantasy D&D-Based 1x1? (Maybe High Fantasy?)

    I'm very busy with two actual 5e D&D campaigns and another RP coming up on RPN, but I'd love to flesh out a plot with you and just talk characters and character/plot development. When I'm not so tied up If we got along it might be cool to be your GM in a 1x1 if you were interested... but we'd...
  5. Beckoncall

    Multiple Settings New and looking for new friends

    what kind of apocalypse? any character or plot ideas?
  6. Beckoncall

    Multiple Settings New and looking for new friends

    hello! What did you have in mind?
  7. Beckoncall

    Multiple Settings New Here & Looking for RP Partners

    Hello and welcome!
  8. Beckoncall

    Fantasy Let's Play A Game

    The town was dark and downtrodden, long had it been in the hands of the sorcerer already -- and it seemed in the dark eyes of the villagers hope had long since left them. Greyish people tended greyish crops in greyish fields by greyish houses. This had been the last stop of the sorceror before...
  9. Beckoncall

    Fantasy Roleplay with me!

    Elaborate, maybe interested! :D
  10. Beckoncall

    Fantasy Looking for Partner :D

    @Blue098 : I am a decent GM looking for a side-game while I wait for my other RP (a fantasy nation builder) to move along. Feel free to contact me and we can discuss things, I would love to see any ideas you have or flesh something out together.
  11. Beckoncall

    1x1 One off adventures in real time!

    Just throwing this idea out there, either in real time chat -- or back and forth posting in forum... I'll GM, we flesh out the character you want to play and the kind of adventure... Sci-fi, Fantasy, Post-Apoc, Zombie are my favorite genres, generally. So, you pitch the type of character and...