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  1. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Worldbuilding, Explosions and Super Powered Karate, an Original and OCxOC Fandom search {closed for now}

    I'm sorry man, I got way more of a response than I was expecting so I'm pretty much tapped out, I want to be able to keep my current projects going at a level that's enjoyable for my partners so I can't really take anything else on ATM.
  2. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Worldbuilding, Explosions and Super Powered Karate, an Original and OCxOC Fandom search {closed for now}

    ahh yeah, sorry~ it's all cobbled together from different projects and they weren't necessarily originally written to all sit nicely next to each other in one thread. Anyways feel free to send me a PM!
  3. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Worldbuilding, Explosions and Super Powered Karate, an Original and OCxOC Fandom search {closed for now}

    Update: I've added in a few plot / worldbuilding hooks to the fandom section which are pretty typical of the kind of games I like to run in those spaces. I'm still open for 1 or 2 more partners, but I do have someone locked in tight for the SLAYR original plotline and more tentative prospects...
  4. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Worldbuilding, Explosions and Super Powered Karate, an Original and OCxOC Fandom search {closed for now}

    Hullo everybody, I've been dipping my toe into 1x1 stuff more frequently after a long period of mostly sticking to group RPs. At this juncture I thought it would be helpful to put up a search thread and hopefully meet some partners with similar tastes. I am in my late (late) twenties, LGBTQ+...
  5. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom A Star Wars Universe

    yeah that sounds great. You can find me on Discord as Atlannia I don't think you need the little serial number thingy anymore?
  6. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom A Star Wars Universe

    That all sounds pretty promising to me! One of my huge problems with the sequels was the lack of care taken to map out the transition from new republic to first order dominance, so I'm very much for digging into the reconstruction process and the politics of re establishing governance. There can...
  7. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom A Star Wars Universe

    Oh like dozens lmao, not all of them are important though, or at least, can be tackled in the fullness of time since many of of them are just weird little lore or worldbuilding things. I guess I would start though with asking about the overall scope of the story? Do you have a pretty specific...
  8. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom A Star Wars Universe

    I'd be interested in something like this, I've dabbled with the idea of doing something in this kinda post ros time period previously.
  9. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Looking for an RP Partner

    I could really go for some kinda star wars thing if you're up for that
  10. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom Stand Strong, Stand Together [ME, DRRR!!, SAO, +]

    I could go for a mass effect rp for sure, I have some old Persona and SAO ideas I never got to quite do justice to either.
  11. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom longterm OC rp?

    Oh hey I'd love to some bleach or MHA or something in that vein
  12. AtlannianSpy

    Multiple Settings Looking for fantasy RPs, original or fandom!

    I'd be potentially pretty interested in some kind of modern fantasy thing, I have a couple of ideas we could look into in addition to anything you have in mind.
  13. AtlannianSpy

    Realistic or Modern Need an RP Bud? Hit me up! [FxF or FxM]

    Hi there I thought I might also express my interest, I quite liked the sound of the Police officer x amnesiac or Criminal x to-be-trained-as-assistant Ideas, especially with some kind of supernatural or sci fi twist to it. Plenty of the other ideas sound promising too,
  14. AtlannianSpy

    Fandom [Clever Title Here]-Always Looking

    Hey it seems like we like a lot of the same things! I just wanna ask how you feel about canon characters versus OC's that's if you're still looking for partners that is.
  15. AtlannianSpy

    Looking to try this 1x1 stuff

    A bit of a bump, I've made few changes and added a few new ideas, so feel free to take a second look!
  16. AtlannianSpy

    Looking to try this 1x1 stuff

    Hey so I've been RPing for a while, always group stuff I've run a few rps myself and also had a lot of fun with that. Recently I've been feeling that 1x1 might be a good fit for me, I'd like to scratch the creative freedom itch of running an rp without having to handle all of the complications...