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  1. R

    Any Philosophers Out There?

    I love this little group of thinkers so much.
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    Any Philosophers Out There?

    Don't mind me. Just thoroughly enjoying this discussion, snickering at the humor no one I know would understand. Loving the talks.
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    Any Philosophers Out There?

    And here comes the headache, haha. Not to mention I start asking these questions at like two in the morning, my mom hates it when I get the inquiries going. I have so many books, if I could just find a second of peace where I live to read and... honestly just acquire more questions, since there...
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    Any Philosophers Out There?

    My favorite writer, at the moment, would be Nicholas Taleb, and his book the Black Swan- I'm trying to get a hold of his other pieces, I love to read what he has to say, it's so fluid and often humorous. The discussion behind predictability, complexity and even those questions that make your...
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    Any Philosophers Out There?

    I have an immense interest in philosophy, and enjoy conversations regarding the branches of the topic. Although, I'm by no means entirely adept, nor have I studied it extensively or pursued the field, aha.
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    How to Make Friends?

    My condolences in regards to your battle with depression, but I encourage you to continue fighting it with the assurance things do get better, it's just not always in the direction you think 'things' should be going. Unfortunately I don't believe there really is an answer to this question- at...
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    Jadran Capello Fanclub

    Look what I've stumbled upon. Dorks.
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    *high fives* Scarred for life, you know what I'm sayyyinnn
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    I can decipher political humor and that's it. what the hell am I reading and why does it seem true
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    I'm just bummed because I missed out on so much. Nigel would be ashamed.
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    I swear I blinked and this went from 5 posts to nearly 170 in like two minutes. Not surprised at all.
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    Looks amazing, wish I could contribute some but I'm neither completely submitted nor the owner of a worthy device. Lovely works though, I ship things I'm not even a part of. ;P I hate it when my coding fails.
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    The Nigel Thornberry Fanclub.

    @Annabella YOU HEAR THAT? We're exploiting this religion and on our way to fame. All in favor, say blargh.
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    The Nigel Thornberry Fanclub.

    That needs to be a Vegas show. Just saying.
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    ~BE AWARE~

    This is Salem. How could anyone hurt such a sweet little face? <3 (he's like upside down and smiling if you can't tell he's not dead but I guess it kind of looks like it)
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    The Nigel Thornberry Fanclub.

    Oh. I'll PM you so I don't clutter this thread. Sorry.
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    The Nigel Thornberry Fanclub.

    The PM we were going back and forth in, about your character and what not? You asked me what my dislikes were, and I never got a response when I responded. It's no big deal, I was just worried I may have upset you and I don't want to do that :| I'd PM you again but I hate to bug Ya that much.
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    The Nigel Thornberry Fanclub.

    NO I'VE BEEN DENIIIIED. Damn coding. Beauty has been wasted.