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  1. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    how to deleate my account.

    cool thanks
  2. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    how to deleate my account.

    I need to delete my account for reasons I am not really willing to delve into. I was wondering how that would be done
  3. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    Thank you!!!
  4. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.82878910d2c9ce7b04f28f074296f684.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.82878910d2c9ce7b04f28f074296f684.jpg" class="ipsImage...
  5. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    Oh I want to say 6:30 am California time I opened the app and it crashed
  6. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    Today was the first time I have ever had issues with Tapatalk! It's so odd!
  7. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    well hopefully it gets resolved soon! I think its an error on their part though, the app crashed on me twice this morning.
  8. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    huh, I haven't gotten that one just the unknown error.
  9. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    I just emailed them abut it haven't received anything back yet. are you getting the Error- 2203 failed to process XML Data due to unknown error. Because, that's what I am getting.
  10. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Tapatalk separated?

    oh good someone else having tapatalk issues! I though it was just me! I noticed that they are having issues with all of their forums even non-rpnation ones. I think they are having issues on their part.