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  1. Raku

    Other Post a fact about yourself.

    I have almost died on only 3 occasions!
  2. Raku

    Other What are your guys’ favourite animal?

    Crows. Or just any corvid in general. They're so much cooler than what they're given credit for
  3. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "When people annoy you just shout 'Idi nahui!' at them. They'll have no idea what you've just said"
  4. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    I have a long line of angry sounding quotes. Some inspirational, some not. Just let me know when you want to hear one.
  5. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "No one cares about your bitching, so start acting"
  6. Raku

    Other Halloween costumes, anyone?

    DIYed a Grim Reaper costume. $2.
  7. Raku

    Other Fave videogame soundtrack?

    The new Doom soundtrack. I've only listened to a few and I know I'm in love with it.
  8. Raku

    Other Anybody play and/or watch basketball?

    I play basketball constantly. I play or for my school and down at the rec center. I am pretty good and one of the only freshmen that come very close to being able to dunk. I'm only like 5'11.
  9. Raku

    Other If you could move anywhere....

    Honestly, back to my home in Alaska. You see, I'm a huge fan of the cold, so Alaska was just perfect for me. My parents moved us down to New York so we could be closer to family. Sure, NY's winters are decent, but nothing compared to Alaska
  10. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "Keep your friends close and your enemies scared shitless"
  11. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "Hatred is only masked fear. Those who hate you are afraid of what you can become"
  12. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "Don't judge a book by the chapter you walked in on"
  13. Raku

    Other What do you like in a coloring book?

  14. Raku

    Other Favourite video game quotes?

    "Oi, suzy" MacMillan - Modern Warfare 1
  15. Raku

    Other Favourite video game quotes?

    "The only truth I've found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes is someone to light the match" Captain John Price - Modern Warfare 3
  16. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "No pity is given to those who complain"
  17. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "As crazy as it may seem, I'm not crazy"
  18. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    My laptop froze with just the top half of his head (eyes and up) and the quote.
  19. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    "You can run, but you can never hide from fate"
  20. Raku

    Other Your quotes.

    The idea behind this thread is that people have their own quotes they like to say. Or they just make up quotes as they wish. All I'm asking of you is to put your own quotes here that are inspiring, intimidating, or just something you think sounds nice and/or cool. Here's one of mine for an...