Search results for query: *

  1. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Where Gods Live - Always Accepting!

    enjoyably celestial
  2. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Where Gods Live - Always Accepting!

    Looks divine
  3. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Shattering of the Gilded Banners

    •• • @Oberons Veil • @Ahzek Ahriman • @Reddrection • @EmperorConnor •• • The Shattering of the Gilded Banners -- Be sure to follow this link to the RP if you want to see what's been going on or read the super in depth Overview. leafLooking forward to you making a...
  4. Oberons Veil

    Futuristic Upload

    Sounds very interesting.
  5. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Fantasy Kingdom Simulator?

    Technically according to site rules, the creator of the RP can set their own rules as long as they don't directly contradict those of the site, in essence I believe an RP creator can say that a Casual is actually two paragraphs as it is 1 para or more. Regardless though as the GM you could...
  6. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Fantasy Kingdom Simulator?

    Yeah I think you should GM since it's your idea, but I wouldn't downplay the quality just to get more people. Things tend to last longer with a dedicated group.
  7. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Fantasy Kingdom Simulator?

    First off I must say this looks most interesting and I would enjoy giving this a go, though I do have a couple things: Redacted the first thing! The second is what kind of RP are you talking, Simple, Casual or Detailed? (This easily determines the overall quality of the RP) The third is...
  8. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy An Era of Strife (A Nations RP)

    Tagging this but @Nine I sent you a PM. This highly interests me.
  9. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Lovely choice Link to the Character Application Tab for the Thread.
  10. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    You most certainly may take wisdom. Yes traditionally while they are coupled together, any deity with a / between two can actually be at the person's discretion whether to have all or some or just one of the Aspects described.
  11. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Yes most certainly! I do most certainly apologize but that position has actually be taken. We were in PM discussions and I honestly forgot to check here to see at the time. You are absolutely welcome to choose any of the other open ones. For ALL those interested so far! I really am...
  12. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Absolutely! I will put that down as reserved :3 If you would like you can go ahead and begin filling out the God/Goddess application form. If you have questions you can either PM me or leave them here!
  13. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Hmm, thank you!
  14. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Username: RPNation username. Character Truename: Your God/Goddess' Name Godly Title: Their longer and formal title Godly Aspect: What Are they God or Goddess of... example God of Wisdom/Knowledge True Form Description: When they are in their God or Goddess Form what do they look like. No...
  15. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Okie! Marvelous! I look forward to seeing your applications for the God of Nature and that of the God of Chaos/The Void! @sofusninja I can send you both the God Application sheet now if you would like?
  16. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    @Abyss honestly we (@StoneyJr) hadn't really expected people to double up. That however doesn't mean you can't. When this moves to a thread rather than just the Interest Thread, then for the application process you are more than welcome to apply for both, however if one appears to be lacking...
  17. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    There is no need to reserve a Demi-God as there could be an infinite number of the technically. Unless you are meaning to reserve the God of Vengeance/Corruption/Greed at which point you could reserve that. Thank you for Voting! (^U^)
  18. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    @sofusninja good to know there would be at least four of us! Be sure to vote on the Era! This interest thread will be up for a couple days minimum before we actually move onto a thread itself to see exactly who is interested and what time period this will take place in. If you want I could send...
  19. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Well maximum won't exist. (Why put a restraint on creativity) We will be looking more for quality over quantity. So I would recommend a post of no less than 4 lines. Roughly a small paragraph would be the minimum.
  20. Oberons Veil

    Fantasy Anyone Interested in a Gods RP?

    Basics: We are Gods, Demi-Gods, or Mortals who have attained power. The choice is yours as to what you are. The world is filled with civilizations, some thriving, some falling, others rising, and yet still some that are doomed to fall. For in this universe the Gods are known to exist, or at...