Search results for query: *

  1. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    There were some perks going on a quest with a suspicious group. Especially when you became a seemingly tame individual in comparison. Giant blades attached to your forearms? Tame in comparison to high end combat suits and guns so large they'd likely need to go to a customs officer for inspection...
  2. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar raised his head to acknowledge the approaching Kytrek. Putting aside his petty grievances, he remained huddled beside the recently treated Argis. Smell of burnt flesh in the air. The orc-kin had a formidable constitution that was enviable by most of the other races. That trait was showing...
  3. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    There weren't a lot of things that left Pane in a state of euphoria that was unrelated to the written word. So when something did have that effect on him you can bet your bottom credits that i- "Broadcast. Initiating. In. Ten. Seconds." continued the B.D. system completely ignoring the back and...
  4. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    Pane(Tardy) and 'Handzo'(Not real name)(Lyro) The room Pane was ushered into by the diminutive masked guard was very different from any other part of the station he had seen so far. The air within was heavy with humidity, the temperature being several degrees hotter than the corridor just...
  5. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    "You speak like this was my choice. Some of you might be able to 'afford' flights of fancy and adventure all you want. Others? Us? We need to earn to get by. My 'way' was to be Guide... to those who venture. Whether you find glory in life or death is of little consequence to me. Only your...
  6. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    For all his lack of mental 'fortitude', it didn't take him too long to realise the presence of friction in this merry band of theirs. No doubt he'd find cause to argue with a few of them himself. Like this 'Arx' fellow that saw books as a non-essential requirement. Under prior circumstances, he...
  7. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar had been knocked out somewhen during the pain passing his threshold. It'd been a long while before that had happened. Whether it was when some gambling arrears went unpaid or that time he'd had his arm stuck under a huge boulder he could not be certain. The experience wasn't without its...
  8. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    Pane had been scribbling little caricat- making notes. Ahem. Detailed notes about all his soon to be comrades so as to commemorate their historic union. No doubt some of them would die. Horrible deaths. Hopefully, he'll live long enough to tell others about them. It'd be a shame if these tales...
  9. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Riptide

    "Pffft... figures," Pane pointed out helpfully by clicking his tongue as the other Tiefling began having trouble with his tech. You'd never see that happen to a book. When's the last time you heard of a book 'failing to operate'? That's right! Never! An impeccable, one-hundred percent success...
  10. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    The snapping of an enemies spine is usually a welcome sound. Usually though ... the spine snapping meant the end of the enemy ... so why could he not shake the feeling that ... Adar hauled in the rope again as fast as he could but found nothing but viscera on the axe blade and handle. No chips...
  11. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar wore a gaunt mask for a face as he set about his bag. Pushing his shivering worms aside as he searched for something that might help in the situation. The pouch of metal was attractive but he knew that mana was not going to be completely reliable in this instance. Unsure of the extent of...
  12. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar spotted the concern looks from a few of the others but couldn't understand the reason behind them? Why was everyone getting up in arms? This old man was good. He had meat. Gave it freely as well. Adar managed to avoid plunging his hand into his self-made mess as he staggered to his feet...
  13. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar seemed to grow a bit more aware having stopped his consumption of meat. His mind catching up to queries asked minutes ago. Shaking his head a bit before focusing on Cyell's face. "S-Shadow men ... right.. I know a bit about them ... stories mostly ... one poem ... how did it go again?" Adar...
  14. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    "You've seen the shadow-men? They're dangerous but not all too common as far as sightings go." finding bits of his story a bit amiss though not being able to find the will to scour for the reason 'why' he did so. Then the elvish talk began and he just zoned out. Eyeing the rapidly cooling grease...
  15. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    The old man seemed to consider Kytrek for a moment. Eyes went wide with recognition. Finger raised and poised at his face before gasping aloud! ... and then he gave a smile and said,"Nope. Frankly, I wouldn't even know if we had as 'old' as I am." Clearly, he hadn't taken well to snide mention...
  16. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    Adar carefully kept the promissory note away on his person. Making sure the worms in his bag would not misconstrue the latest addition to their home as a snack instead of the all-to-welcome guest it was. That having been decided he packed up his supplies and took a few gulps from the stream...
  17. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    "Well, I certainly can't deny that fact is often replaced with fiction with some of the wilier tales in these parts." Adar had to scratch his head a bit having gotten more than a little carried away with his retelling. Whether by way of boredom or out of habit the travellers always made their...
  18. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    The one called Gniss seemed to be having a bad day to Adar. Her curt manner wasn't something new to him but the tone came across as a ... well ... *cross*. He eyed the two members and took off his bag before stuffing a hand inside it and begin fishing around. "Ahem ... as I was saying earlier...
  19. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    "Hey! Hey! Hey!" he quickly ran up ahead of Cyell, cutting him off and continued,"Let's not be so hasty now? Surely you know the little song and dance of negotiation? A little wetting of my horn, a little wetting of yours?", accompanied with a series of hand gestures carried out to illustrate...
  20. Tardy Grade

    Fantasy Ascent into Madness

    "Relative?" he scrutinises the other creature before seeing the infernal touches here and there. "Hmm... you're a fair bit shorter than any cousin of mine I tellsya. You know... aside from the youngins I'd wager." *Still this one did have better clothes than he did so who was he to critique...