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  1. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    He chuckled at all the attention he was receiving from the fawning girls around him, to which he said "I doubt Analise here would let you have me though, as expected of my dear betrothed.". When Frederick had heard that he would help with wedding details, his head inside was sighing in somewhat...
  2. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick was quite happily going on with his training, working a good sweat, only to find himself interrupted by a servant who appeared and said "Excuse me prince, but the princess Analise wishes for you to meet with her and plan the wedding.". Frederick stopped mid pull-up from a bar and...
  3. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Prince Frederick had dismissed himself and was outside, sitting on a bench and taking in the view, relaxing while the trial would be happening soon. He was however also considering the fact that time was ticking. At some point not too long he would have to return to his kingdom and that for the...
  4. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    The prince smiled as her expression betrayed a lot of her thoughts. Well it wasn't like the thoughts were troublesome ones, and as thought before, this in the end only worked to his own benefit in every way, so there was no problem for him with it. If anything, it could be almost encouraged, as...
  5. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    "Well I'm sure we can organise a duel of some sort when you're healed, shouldn't be that difficult.". He didn't really continue on that front, as it was now for him to wait on the trial and all to see what came out of that and whether he was going to be dealing a punishment. Moving on from that...
  6. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick nodded to what Andrew had reported to him, mostly the fact that they have the perpetrator. Well, that certainly made things easier for him. If they were waiting trial, he likely would be able to interfere little in regard to the trial itself, at the risk of causing quite some unrest...
  7. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick was finding this woman somewhat of an enigma, despite knowing somewhat her life intentions. If she was living for herself, why did she seem to pander so greatly to her with what she said? Well then again, he wasn't much different in that regard, maybe she was simply half the time good...
  8. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick chuckled when she slinked up and away, commenting about how they should return. Was it the audience that unnerved her? Or did the rest of her mind catch up with her? He had to admit, he would slightly mad at her retreating like this, but they did indeed have people watching, and any...
  9. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    He chuckled internally in his mind to the situation and mostly their response as a whole. So this was how it was going? Well, it would satisfy a lust he supposed. It was likely a lust of hers as well, but as an opportunity for her to mentally bond with him, this only worked in his favour either...
  10. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Ana's reaction was more like one and a half reactions, making it all the more amusing to see. First her mind seemed to recoil and she initially moved away a bit, maybe taking her by surprise that he bit her bait and went for it, maybe snapping out of a state of mind she was having. However that...
  11. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    He chuckled at what she initially said about family. "Oh please, our family is organised enough to know of this marriage. They see no issue in it, they simply only worry about it remaining royal. And one cannot get more royal than the princess of the great Argonian kingdom.". In honesty, family...
  12. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick chuckled when he heard her statement, Taking a cherry in his mouth and slowly chewing it after rolling it around a bit in his mouth, enjoying the taste. He then slowly pushed the pit out his mouth with his tongue onto a thumb, where it was then flicked it with the finger away. He...
  13. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick was quiet as he listened, eating idly on some fruit while she spoke. Well, it looks like that fierce independent streak of hers was fully manifesting. It was bound to happen eventually, so it was better for them both to see it earlier rather than later. As for how it fit into his...
  14. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick walked out the carriage and took the time to observe the view she was clearly proud of. For a while, she seemed even lost in the view. It was likely there was sentimentality attached to the place, since it wasn't exactly difficult to find a field somewhere with flowers. No, this field...
  15. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick raised an eyebrow at her antics and sentences she spoke, which were curious. Clearly she had something grand planned for the two. He wasn't really sure what she was wanting to get out of him, but he was interested in seeing what she was clearly very hyped up to present. She didn't seem...
  16. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    He chuckled to what she said in both regards. Playing the tease with the answer eh? It had better be a good response later then. She seemed to be paranoid of the outside world, like they could get attacked. Well to fault her for it would be hypocrisy based on all his own personal defences and it...
  17. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick chuckled and smiled to her saying about an adventure, to which he replied with "Oh my, well I'm sure you won't disappoint me with this adventure you're taking me along to.". As they rode along, he was quiet and relaxed, noticing her facial expression of one in deep thought. However her...
  18. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick had a servant knock on his door and notify him of Ana waiting for his arrival. Smiling, he told them "I'm coming." and got himself together, boot knives and all at ready as usual. There would be guards there, but he was as paranoid as ever. Having got everything, leaving the tools for...
  19. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    Frederick was in his room ruminating over various matters, both current and future. For example on what was with Ana and how they would eat later, with the replies she may bring to him. It was likely that she had now actually the opportunity to introspect from a different perspective, and thus...
  20. PicaPirate

    Fantasy A Royal Engagement [Closed]

    He smiled and waved goodbye, saying "Take care my dear.". Well, this morning was more than fruitful. He had yanked out of her what she had been clearly hiding for so long, herself. He was essentially orchestrating a drama in the making. Well, this would only better suit him in the end either...