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  1. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

  2. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Once again, the orb began to gain mass. Finn hummed to himself, focusing on reprogramming the area around it, no, the very edge of the sphere. Last time, he'd let his wandering thoughts lead him too far down the rabbit-hole. That was not going to be happening this time, though. As long as he...
  3. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn held the orb in his hand as he once again fell inwards, through the wiring of his mind and into that place he had found before. There, he found the viewscreen for the outside world and concentrated on the orb. He felt the weight, the mass, and slowly lifted it upward. Once it was a good...
  4. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    He nodded hesitantly. "I think I have enough juice to try a couple more times."
  5. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

  6. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn glanced at Aegirine with a worried expression. "You okay?"
  7. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn held the orb as he stared into the depths of the gem, eyes wide in amazement. "Woah..." It was mesmerizing to watch it, as it swirled around.
  8. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn rubbed the back of his neck, glancing at the floor. "Well, yeah. Where is the extra matter coming from?"
  9. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    "How it was gaining mass you mean?"
  10. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Woah...weird....something's wrong. Finn opened one eye, looking curiously at the ball. It was black, and made of a material he hadn't heard of or seen before. Okay...but why are my parameters going haywire...? He closed the eye again, 'gazing' at the orb in the black and white sight instead...
  11. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn reached out his hand, and then stopped. Wait....hmm....let's see....He 'gazed' at the orb and mentally pulled up another strand of midi-chlorians. Heheh. I love code. The midi-chlorian strand flew out of his body and wrapped around the orb, the programming he'd inputted into it transferring...
  12. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn closed his eyes, falling inwards. He found the link to Stùrmbright, and closed it off, shutting the door on his companion so that he could concentrate. Okay...let's see...midi-chlorians....from within.....hmm...sort of like a separate power source...inputting....He found a strand of...
  13. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    "Sure, I guess?"
  14. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    "I....well, after rearranging the particles into the formation that you want it, you add energy to keep the new formation stable?" He ducks his head. "I'm not so certain anymore...."
  15. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn frowned in thought, stroking the fine hairs on his chin. "I believe I understand."
  16. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn chuckled and stroked Stùrmbright's head, moving the bird to his lap so he could easily preen it. "Okay. So you're going to be teaching me to read and understand this language. Sounds good." His fingers brushed through the eagle's feathers, causing bits of dust to drop down. He sneezed, and...
  17. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn raised an eyebrow at Aegirine's explanation, but nodded, and pulled a chair over so he could sit as well. "So it's like inputting your own programming into the world. Where you have the normal code, and then you tweak that code a little to get the result you want?" Andrew began to purr...
  18. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn stared at the chair for a moment, trying to figure out what mechanisms had been used before giving an apologetic look to Aegirine. "I'm afraid we didn't have any Force-users visit us. My interest was mechanics anyways, so I never learned much about Jedi." Andrew jumped onto the Jedi's lap...
  19. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn looked at the Jedi, confused. "Work on my midi-chlorian manipulation?"
  20. DarkWolf13

    Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

    Finn shook his head, slightly alarmed. "No no no. I...just have a habit of talking to myself. I wasn't asking you to do anything." The eagle shook itself in what seemed like a laugh, the metal feathers clattering against each other.