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  1. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    (Why don't we pick it back up with a time skip? Say we jump three months into the future, and hope that brings the story back.)
  2. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Cheshire looked around. After meeting the wolf child he had gone back to his room and tried to sleep, again. He had fallen in and out of a hazy nightmare infested sleep. He wasn't quite sure how long he had been out, a day? Two? He stretched and winced. This no sleeping thing was going to be...
  3. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    (Could I get a quick review on what happened? Sorry for spacing, I like *desperately attempting to* sleep though.)
  4. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    "Ah, thanks. " He rummaged through his back pocket and pulled out his class schedule. "Um, I have basic chemistry, herbal remedies, and equine science today, but I don't have to be at the stables till after dinner. I have to be in class today, otherwise I'll get in a lot of trouble back home."...
  5. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    "Moon, my name is Moon. Thanks for helping me out." He smiled and looked around a bit. The courtyard looked bigger when you were in it; more imposing really. He shivered slightly. He knew the only reason his father had sent him here was because he didn't want Moon around at home, Moon had been...
  6. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    "Alright, well I'll just go then." He laughed uncomfortably and took a step back, bumping into a table covered in a tower of books, that promptly collapsed. "Damn! Sorry." He hurried to catch them and only succeeded in tripping. "Sorry!" His voice was slightly muffled, as he was sprawled out...
  7. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    (Good idea, Moon is directionally challenged, so he'd probably mess up like that.) "Um . . " This was not his classroom, this was most definitely not a classroom at all. "Where am I? I'm supposed to be in classroom 3B, and I thought I saw that on the door but umm." He sighed and ruffled his...
  8. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    Moon sighed and rolled over. He hadn't been to classes in over two weeks. First he had been sick, then when he had seen the other students hanging out in the courtyard from his window he had felt intimidated by them. In fact, he had only left his room during the evenings to slip into the...
  9. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy The Break of Dawn - The Four Elements Sequel (OPEN TO ALL)

    Moon shrugged uncomfortably, this trip was way out of his zone. He was used to wandering yes, even being in dangerous situations was a familiar thing, but all of that was to learn, to gather herbs, to find great teachers. He had lived in the mountains by himself for nearly a month just to study...
  10. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Cheshire chuckled and casually wrapped his arms around Wolf. "Careful, tall one, this wolf might take a bite out of you. She's tougher than your pretty snow girl. You're right, sweetie. Grey here is a useless idiot who takes too long to do what you ask him to do, but I will admit he's quite fun...
  11. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Cheshire spun around to find Grey carrying a young squirming girl. The girl was swearing and sticking her tongue out at Grey. Cheshire snorted. "You should treat a lady with respect, tall one. Put the pretty creature down. Plus, I'm not a lightweight."
  12. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    "Mh, want to try and get used to this place? Sorry, did I intrude?" Cheshire asks hastily, looking back and forth between the two. "Damn, no sense of decency. I'm a freaking idiot, aren't I?"
  13. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    "Alright then, oh who wants to join me for a drinking game?" He asked his eyes lit up. "I've still got some brandy left."
  14. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    He laughed. "I wouldn't hurt you, I promise. I'll let you know which rooms to stay away from though, there are a few places still filled with smoke. Are you hungry?"
  15. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    "Glad to meet you, Kat." He noticed her distrustfully eyeing the house. "Don't worry, as frustrating as this house is it'll protect you. It won't fall or anything. Believe me, I tried burning this place to the ground and it stood firm as a damn rock. I'm going to try and blow up a room next."
  16. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    He smirked. "Yeah, the one and only, in the flesh. I don't know your name though. Will you tell it to me?"
  17. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Cheshire rolled his eyes and hit Grey. He wandered into the halls and eventually found Ace and Katrina. "Well look at this, the sexy beast from before, and a new lovely looking sweetheart. I may hate this hell house but the people in it sure are a easy on the eyes." He said sultrily.
  18. CrazyNotChaotic

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    "Fucking hell." Cheshire groaned as he massaged the temple of his forehead. His head hurt a lot, and he heard people. He wandered to the kitchen and found some chick flipping off Grey, and a very amused look on his face. "What did you do this time, tall person?" He demanded.
  19. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy The Break of Dawn - The Four Elements Sequel (OPEN TO ALL)

    Moon stared at Tai, and ignores his extended hand. "Moon, and none. I got the luck of the draw and came up powerless. Tai? That's a familiar name, but I don't know why. If you're a blacksmith what're you doing on a scouting trip? Seems sort of unusual, although I guess I don't really belong here...
  20. CrazyNotChaotic

    Fantasy The Break of Dawn - The Four Elements Sequel (OPEN TO ALL)

    "How far are we travelling?" Moon asked. "I don't mind long trips, I'm just planning on whether or not I'll need to restock on some things as we travel." He pulled out a book, and unfolded one of the pages to reveal a map. "What's the plan anyway?"