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  1. bingus44

    SWTOR: The Master and Apprentice

    Darth Hyperious sat in his chambers aboard his Harrower-class Dreadnought preparing for his trip to the the sith academy on Korriban. He put his armor on then grabbed his saber and clipped it to his belt. Hyperious put his hood up as he exited his chambers. He walked through his mighty ship's...
  2. bingus44

    Fallout: The Ranger and Legionnaire

    Darkness was all quin saw, but thenAll of a sudden his eye opened and all he saw was white. He thought he was dead and passed onto the spirit world, until the light faded and he realized he was just looking at the sky and was being carried by two people. He looked to his feet and saw a woman...
  3. bingus44

    Fallout: The Ranger and Legionnaire

    Quin was marching through the wasteland with his ten soldiers. the hot son was beating down on his men lowering their morale. It was also quite windy out, the wind was blowing sand into everyone's mouths and eyes but luckily quin had on a mask and sun glasses. His soldiers however, only some of...
  4. bingus44

    Fallout: The Ranger and Legionnaire

    1x1 rp between myself and DarlingWaylonPark!
  5. bingus44

    SWTOR: The Master and Apprentice

    1x1 rp with gogojojo331
  6. bingus44

    Project Purity (DrTrollinski & Greg2344)

    "I'm not sure you understand the urgency of our situation exactly. The enclave is trying their hardest to stop project purity, and they have god damned vertiberds! If they know about the vault core in vault 99 at Pennsylvania then we're already fucked and you can say goodbye to clean water for...
  7. bingus44

    Project Purity (DrTrollinski & Greg2344)

    Jax nodded, "I'm ready now, I don't need anything from the store. Do any of you guys need something? I'm pretty sure I have enough food for us. Whenever you're ready lead the way walker, you are the one who knows how to get there after all" Jax looked around the town for the last time, he...
  8. bingus44

    Project Purity (DrTrollinski & Greg2344)

    Jax shook the mans hand. The words Paul said almost brought a tear to Jax's eye, for the first time in his life he felt like a good man. "Paul, thanks for letting walker and Daniel travel with me, I know it's hard to let your only kids travel with some mysterious man you've never met before. I...
  9. bingus44

    Many 1x1 plots made the thread, I'll make my character in a bit.
  10. bingus44

    1x1 greg2344XBonnibues

  11. bingus44

    Many 1x1 plots

    Ok, cool I'd be down for this. I'd prefer to play the male. Would you like to do thread or pm, I'm fine with either.
  12. bingus44

    Many 1x1 plots

    I like the idea for plot 4, I have a few questions though, are you going to play the female or the male, do they end up becoming friends, or is it romance and they end up liking each other?
  13. bingus44


    Mortemis looked his apprentice in the eyes and nodded at her, after she bowed to him. He was a bit displeased with her answer to his question, because she said "but there is nothing now." Darth Mortemis responded by saying. "You feel nothing? A sith is nothing without emotion. You must...
  14. bingus44


    Darth Mortemis watched the fight intensely, this is how he would decide who was truly worthy of becoming his apprentice. He was most pleased with the final result. He didn't want Ghanos, Ghanos was a cocky brat favored by the overseer. He seemed like the kind of person who in true combat would...
  15. bingus44


    "You will become my dark apprentice, child. I know you are curios on why I'm choosing you so quickly without even testing you, or seeing you train first. It is because as soon as I entered this room I felt your presence, it was stronger then the overseer, you just do not understand how to use it...
  16. bingus44

    Fallout: Tales Of The Caravan.

    1x1 rp between myself and allsmiles28
  17. bingus44


    Darth Mortemis's Star Destroyer Class Ship. Darth Mortemis was in his chambers aboard his ship when a his most trusted officer named Kelren entered the room. Kelren bowed before Mortemis and asked "permission to speak my Lord?" "Quickly." Mortemis answered. "My Lord, I have received an...
  18. bingus44


    1x1 rp.
  19. bingus44

    Skyrim: The Staff of Boethiah

    "No, no, no, you misunderstood. You're the one who needs me" he said smiling. "I can take on any beast, so we can travel together for free as a team and split the staff half and half. You make up your mind, I plan on leaving for the journey tomorrow at 8:00 am, I'm going to rent a room and stay...
  20. bingus44

    Skyrim: The Staff of Boethiah

    "Alright it's in the hidden temple at the most western edge of Skyrim near an unmarked location near the area known as Japlet's belly." Bryant said. As soon as he said that he regretted it. Her looks got to him and so did the ale. He thought "damn that was stupid, why did I do that. Now she...