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  1. PicaPirate

    Realistic or Modern Un-EX-pected (Enchanté and Picapirate)

    Jack was listening to music with over ear headphones, staring into nothing as he walked along, his feet crunching against the tarmac beneath him. It wasn't particularly loud music, but these days he didn't enjoy the sounds of the outside world much. It reminded him of too many things. Sighing...
  2. PicaPirate

    Cold Blooded Contract

    Alain smiled gently at the thanks he was given, happy that she was now no longer bleeding. How old was this girl though? 13? She looked really young for her age so he wasn't sure what age she actually was, but it was rude to ask what her age was. He thought a bit, then said "Do you want me...
  3. PicaPirate

    Cold Blooded Contract

    Alain raised her body slowly, saying "Fine is not what someone says when their head bleeds profusely. Here let me help you.". He thought for a moment, then gave a kiss on where the injury was. It wouldn't sting, but instead the wound closed and the blood clotted almost instantly. One would think...
  4. PicaPirate

    Cold Blooded Contract

    Alain's eyes widened as he had crashed into a little girl, who went landing on the concrete in front of them in a frantic crash. Their expression was rather motionless, which he wasn't sure if it was disconcerting or not. "Apologies, are you alright?" he spoke gently in a deep, british accent as...
  5. PicaPirate

    Cold Blooded Contract

    Alain wandered out of a block nonchalantly, one more blood host in the world who was already dead due to exposure of the sun outside, burning them on the spot. He had gone into the office of a politician who took large money briberies by oligarchies to fill his own bank account in a transfer on...
  6. PicaPirate

    Cold Blooded Contract

    Alain wandered the streets of Japan, finding the lights and of activity all around rather overwhelming. He brushed aside part of his hair as he walked with his relaxed arms by his side, the other hand in his pocket. He considered maybe stealing money from a corrupt banker, within the...
  7. PicaPirate

    Tangled in Fur (Pica x Yumiwolf)

    An RP about a human in a world where fur is normal and humans are seen as outsiders.
  8. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    Jono got his stuff from the table after having put away the clean repertoire of cutlery and plates. Jono continued humming the tune from earlier as he got ready to leave, taking his keys and phone and wallet, pocketed in his jeans. "Boo." Jono said in jest as Ami was caught off-guard going...
  9. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    Jono smiled as he finished up washing the dishes. He didn't bother turning around, instead not moving his waist so that Ami didn't have to adjust. "We haven't been out for a while, so going outside would be nice." Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
  10. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    He raised an eyebrow but otherwise didnt challenge it. "Alright." He said as he finished the last of his pad thai. Having done with it, he then collected his and Ami's bowl and washed them up in the kitchen, whistling some unknown tune as he washed.
  11. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    He noticed the blush on her face, curious as to what insinuated it. "Why the red face? I don't remember putting chilli in the food." He said quizzically. "Besides what anyway?" His head had completely missed the meaning to her words, being a bit dim when it came to social interaction...
  12. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "Its something I like for sure." He said as he began eating it. He was generally pretty quick at cooking anything he was used to eating. Not quite perfect photographic memory, but good enough. Jono was contently eating away at the food, wondering what to do next. Tapatalk ahoy!
  13. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "A clue like the food you mean?" He said when he came out of the kitchen with two hot plates of pad Thai noodles and put one in front of her and one in front of himself. Jono sat down opposite her with his food in front of him. Tapatalk ahoy!
  14. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "That's a surprise" he said with a smirk. Jono went into the kitchen and began making Pad Thai noodles, a recipe he was experienced in.
  15. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "Let's go make food then." Jono said as he began walking down the stairs. He looked reasonably tidy since his hair wasn't that high maintenance. Tapatalk ahoy!
  16. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "Now just remove thyself from my lap and I can get my clothes on." He chuckled. He got up and changed into his clothes and patted it down to tidy them a bit. He stroked his chin in thought for a bit. "Did we have any homework?" Tapatalk ahoy!
  17. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    "Then deal with that before we make food then." He chuckled as he fixed his own hair with his hands. Tapatalk ahoy!
  18. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    (Surely they'd be undressed for 'fun times' :P ) Tapatalk ahoy!
  19. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    He chuckled. "I suppose we should make some lunch together then." He stroked her soft hair as he spoke. Tapatalk ahoy!
  20. PicaPirate

    why do good girls like lone guys? (Blaine x Pica)

    He chuckled "We'll have to see." He hugged and kissed her as they rested in the bed. Tapatalk ahoy!