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  1. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    This crab had no strategy apart from self preservation, given a moment to retreat it tried to. Scuttering backwards towards the water while arrows chased it down. The other crabs visible on the beach seem docile or uninterested in the whole affair. James would find many suitable chances to...
  2. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    It was intense for a moment to get close enough, the sand unfortunately missed it's mark as the crab was moving. But as distance is judged and reach is established James is able to hack a leg from the giant crippled crustacean. Logan and Draig moved closer with arrows ready for a shot. But...
  3. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The rock sank into the sand slightly, nothing nasty seemed to be hiding or planned. However when James was within striking range with his halberd (if approached fast or slow) The giant crab rises. A grand sight to behold this creature stood well over a meter, it was missing a claw however, this...
  4. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Kull grumbled at the other two men but as was asked the mage led James to a building near the slums. It wasn't long before a score of men tried drawing attention to themselves. With claims like "I can do any job!" "I have a bow" "I've hunted crabs before..." "I have lightning mana!!" "My brother...
  5. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Logan literally turned pale as James explained his plan. " You.. aim to step on a crabs claw? Those pincers break steel James... my plan was to shoot arrows and fire at the beasts eyes and face and you swing that God given weapon to remove it's limbs" Kull turned back in surprise, a odd...
  6. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    After a decent look around and vague explanation of what was seen, Logan gave some advice to make money. "If we use some of that gold you have to hire some labour and maybe a artefact for me or Kull, you could bring back some giant crab to sell to the restaurants." This would easily make enough...
  7. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The old man seemed cautious, there wasn't many in Restag who would casually name drop Ains. Despite James being particularly smooth the old man wouldn't budge on this, to much risk on himself not that he was about to explain all this to the men. "If you come back tomorrow and feel the same I'll...
  8. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The old man shook his head as if James had suggested something ridiculous, "I-i-i don't think that will work... The monkey has talent with music but. Well he has cursed mana... He-he might have charmed you already... why else you want to buy a monkey unless he used magic on you." The old man...
  9. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The monkey child slowly stopped moving his fingers as James began to sing, his eyes met James with a sign of curiosity as he bit his lip in a hesitant manner. It was a tense thirty seconds of silence before the monkey said "You the same as Tarot. Magic in words, you not know right words but..."...
  10. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The monkey child didn't answer back, it flinched when talked to and quickly went back to playing music. If you was to look closer you would see signs of abuse and malnourishment. Faint scars, patches of hair missing, if the boy had no hair you could probably assume he would be covered in...
  11. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    With the knowledge that wolf horns are worth gold, "all living creatures have mana, horned wolf's have wind and thunder stored in those horns, though only mature wolves pose a real threat." James was shown the vendors and stores that would buy monster/creature parts by Logan. Kull like usual was...
  12. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The three spent most of that night training outside the walls of Dunwel. With Kull able to sense killing intent it was quick to find suitable opponents for a starting adventurer. Horned wolves were the most apparent enemy as they travelled towards the coast, it was a small trip taking a bit over...
  13. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Logan was quick to point out how fruitless it would be to lurk about hoping to catch the eye of a slave trader. Instead he opted to show James around and answer what he could. Some common knowledge learnt. Everyone except elves and orcs can only use one mana, artefacts such as Ains rings or...
  14. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Kull literally ignored almost everything James said. Pushing the cloak back to James saying... "i stand out less then you assume warrior. do not forget that it is us who have been tasked with looking after you..." The hairless man with black eyes grinned though "finding slaves is easy for one...
  15. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Kull couldn't help but chuckle somewhat ominously. It might have been the smokers cough in it though "eheheh.. if one finds the black markets interesting, I'd suggest taking a look now... The markets don't stay in one place for long, dealing with slaves illegally is something done in secrecy...
  16. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Logan seemed a tad worried when nightspawn was brought up, but answered as Kull seemed to be done speaking. "No one knows exactly what nightspawn are... They come in all sorts of forms but they usually have a dark slick almost wet skin. Some are weaker then children but others have strength that...
  17. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Shopkeep accepted but looked a tad disappointed at the answer. "Hahahh thats fair i guess but next time your in here I expect a proper look at that, not much a chance to appraise something that looks heaven sent." The man smiled and gave a small wave to the three as they left. Logan accepted...
  18. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    The shopkeep looked at all brought to him and did some math in his head, what caught his attention more however was the halberd at James back. It was stuck at his back like a magnet. "Say stranger, what sort of weapon needs no sheath or harness?" It seemed like curiosity as there was just...
  19. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Logan replied just as quietly when giving the answer. "Restag, uses gold coins and barter. You can haggle if you think your stubborn enough or smooth enough but if that pouch is full of gold I don't think you'll need to barter." Pointing at each item Logan gave a estimate as to what he'd pay...
  20. NeonFlow

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

    Logan seemed compliant to answer questions and talk as they strolled the night through the city. Passing many buildings one might see if you traveled to Europe in the renaissance period. However it all seemed magical, cleaner then it should be. James learned that yes, Logan and Kull are native...