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  1. Kyna

    Expanding Horizons (Closed 1x1 Between Kyna and Sarah)

    It was never going to be this way. Two girls of different interests and personalities aren't supposed to be friends. Or in love, for that matter. But, fate being the annoying bastard he is, made it happen. One senior at Northwood University was blessed to have an entire dorm to herself...
  2. Kyna

    Girls Love Girls and Boys

    Leo's here. What a party, Myra groaned to herself, rising up from the ground as Katherine exited the room. The brunette smiled as her best friend rushed to the door, almost like it was a race. When it came to Leo, Myra always observed Katherine's eagerness. Slowly making her way to her feet...
  3. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    Prison does that to all of us, Brynn thought to herself. Her brief stay at another penitentiary had taught her that even a week behind bars could mold the toughest of women. She observed that in herself. Lost in her own thoughts, it was only the sound of her roommate's voice cracking that...
  4. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    "I understand that. But.. me? There are plenty of other fine women in here. Pretty much everybody I saw in that cafeteria.. was bangable. Except for the officers. Mendez, sleeping with one of the inmates? I'm half shocked and half expecting it. There's a reason he was picking favorites behind...
  5. Kyna

    Girls Love Girls and Boys

    Myra bursted into her friend's bedroom with a flash, shutting the door as quickly as she had entered. Myra stopped to quickly embrace her childhood friend. She didn't hesitate to collapse onto the floor, however, her hazel eyes looking up at the ceiling. The girl smiled in relief, happy to be...
  6. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    "So, I'm assuming that's her name. Crazy Eyes? Does she do that to every chick that comes in here? Because, damn, I mean.. I'm flattered, but.. I'd rather have a hot girl finishing me off like Sunday dinner than a lunatic kissing my hand and calling me," Brynn took a second to laugh, covering...
  7. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    "Sorry, Alex, I was making way for my," Brynn lowered her voice, in case any passerbys were feeling snoopy, "lover," The blonde giggled at the thought, following her roommate out into the vinegar-scented corridor. Brynn took a moment to actually realize where she was. She had committed a felony...
  8. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    "Are you kidding? Girls are.." Brynn smiled, relaxing her posture a little bit with a deep exhale. "..girls are amazing. Breathtaking, really. Amazing. Dazzling. I could go on. So, to answer your question, I dig girls." The blonde smirked, looking down momentarily as she could feel the hint of...
  9. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    Dandelion? Where the fuck was she getting that from?, Brynn thought to herself, stopping about halfway from the front of the cafeteria. The girl looked down at her shoes, gray and itchy, with a sigh. Only an hour into her official prison life, and she already had a crazy stalker. Brynn couldn't...
  10. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    Brynn Rhodes "Move, inmate!" A rough, southern-style voice shouted from around the corner, demanding Brynn to make her way to lunch. The short blonde crossed her arms over the ugly orange uniform she had been forced into moments ago, and huffed. With a pivot, Brynn Rhodes was face-to-face...
  11. Kyna

    Girls Love Girls and Boys

    ~*~ "Aaand.. Checkmate." Myra smirked as she moved her gamepiece to her opponent's side, swiftly declaring victory. "God, Myra, that's your fourth today," exclaimed the girl's father, who now frowned in defeat. The young woman's smirk only grew as the chess pieces were swept away, only...
  12. Kyna

    New Faces at Litchfield

    A One on One with @Lavender Symphony and @Saaaaaarah.
  13. Kyna

    Compatibility at a Convention

    A One on One between @Lavender Symphony.
  14. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    Della gave a big sigh, floating up on the surface of the water lazily. She hesitated for a while before answering Tessa's question, as her head was flooded with too many thoughts. Where would things go from now? What exactly was happening? The tension was tugging at her like taffy being pulled...
  15. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    Della nodded at Tessa's words, somewhat amazed that this had all happened in the past half hour or so. She'd met a pretty girl. A nice one, at that. And she liked said girl. The presence of her was pleasing. Said girl was now leading her to a private place. Della had done more than she had...
  16. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    "Mmm.." Della mumbled with her eyes closed as she felt Tessa stand up. The edges of her skirt tickled Della's bare legs, causing her to giggle lightly and flip over with her face to the ground. She wasn't sure about leaving Ashley here. Considering she was staying at the Love's house, and...
  17. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    "Oh, my god.. thank you so much. She dragged me into this. Literally all I wanted to do while I was in this town was to visit your hot springs and play at the beach. Social settings are not my ish. For reasons obvious. Or not obvious enough. I should up my game." laughed, braiding a strand of...
  18. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    (No problem honey! Enjoy yourself) Della laughed at the absurdity of her question. How could Tessa not notice? Della had basically called her stunning barely a few minutes ago. The confidante attitude, the hair, the mentioning of political views, she had basically tried to drop hints that she...
  19. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    "Roses are soooo pretty.." Della ignored Tessa's question and flopped onto her back, looking back up at the golden sky. She exhaled, tracing patterns in the sand. Della didn't seem to care what others thought of her and her peculiar actions. If they don't like it, it's their loss.. she would...
  20. Kyna

    The Bonfire Tale

    Great. Now you've gone and insulted a perfectly good girl, Della. She squinted, looking up back at the person she had almost squashed flat minutes earlier.. apology still clear in her amber eyes. Della sighed, walking back up the dune before doing the unthinkable. She sat down next to the...