Search results for query: *

  1. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson felt his face get hot as Keegan latched on to him had pulling him closer. He could feel the mans breath and he could tell the man was contemplating pulling him further. “Well it’s nice to see you again Keegan” he smiled looking into the mans eyes. It was easier to read Keegan’s...
  2. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson was a bit confused why the bartender appeared to be so excited to see him. “I’ll have an old fashioned, thanks for making my drinks doubles last time !” He smiled at her He watched Roxie start to make the cocktail before she quickly walked down to the attractive man. Realizing she was...
  3. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    The rest of the day was rough for Carson. After he took as much evidence as he could before calling in a crew to clean up the mess, he had to go back in to the office to finish the rest of his files. But the incident from today kept flooding his mind, he just couldn’t see Jenny being corrupt...
  4. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    When Carson got to the graveyard nothing seemed off. At least this scene wasn’t as troubling as the last clue he had received. It was clear at this point the person who was doing this was getting some form of amusement by stringing him along in this game. Because there had been multiple notes...
  5. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson woke up the next morning hungover groaning and rolling out of bed on a desperate quest for water. He was a bit embarrassed that he had embarrassed himself in front of such an attractive man. There was nothing he could do about it it’s not like he would ever see Keegan again, even though...
  6. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson smiled at the man after he seemed to enjoy the kiss. He wouldn’t go home with this man straight from the club that would be dangerous, but he was at least hoping for the mans number. He was disappointed when the man pulled out his phone and walked off. Cursing himself for falling into...
  7. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson took the mans hand as he pulled them through people and to the floor. He could feel the other mans breath close to his as Keegan pulled him in. Not knowing what to do with his hands he placed them on the mans shoulders. “I told you I’m no good” he giggled. Moving in closer to the man...
  8. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    “Wow you certainly have more confidence than me.” Carson admitted sipping his drink he needed to slow down or else Chris was going to have to carry him home. He could feel his stomach churn when the man leaned in. Carson wouldn’t have normally given in so easily, he didn’t consider himself...
  9. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson knew he probably shouldn’t be confessing anything not publicly released yet but, he was sufficiently drunk and something about this man’s eyes was luring him in. “Sorry to assume it’s just my job to be suspicious...” he laughed taking The finishing gulp of his drink before ordering...
  10. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson took a seat at the bar he was starting to feel pretty drunk no where near to blackout but just enough to to be visibly pretty drunk. He kept at his very strong drink, at least it was good gin. “My friends wanted to come here but his girlfriend is wasted and I don’t wanna dance.” He...
  11. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson smiled at Roxie when she headed his way. “Can I get a gin and tonic please.” He had let his guard down and didn’t notice the man next to him until he sat down. Something about the man was familiar. “thanks for the drink.” He smiled and said to the man he only recognized him when he...
  12. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson sighed as he slipped off his shoes at the front door. The day had been an absolute shit show, and he now had the biggest crime boss in the city toying with him. He grabbed whatever he could find in the fridge before loosening his tie and flopping himself down on the couch to shove a...
  13. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson was so shocked he almost dropped his gun. Fuck this scene just got messy. He quickly untied Jenny as soon as he was sure the two men were dead. Whoever did this was powerful enough to make his men kill themselves to save him. After Carson had finished untying Jenny she started sobbing...
  14. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Jenny didn’t even have time to scream before the men grabbed her and pulled her into a car. Carson had to get out and get to that motel. As he paced he began to search for a way out there was a window about ten feet up if he could find a way to get up he could escape. Running around the the...
  15. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson stopped at the next puppet and noticed again what looked like a note. He put on a pair of gloves before picking it up to examine. This one in much neater writing. It was addressed to him? This made his stomach churn he quickly tried to call into the unit for backup but the warehouse...
  16. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson drove past the warehouse seemingly empty before he parked a few blocks down. Walking up to the only entrance of the warehouse he saw the door was ajar. He quickly pulled out his pistol before opening the door slightly more to find what looked like blood splattered all over. He called...
  17. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!

    Carson woke up on that morning groggier than usual. Something about the recent arrests made just didn’t sit easy with his stomach. He groaned as his feet touched the cold floor of his apartment as he dragged himself out of bed. He just couldn’t believe that it ended there. Two idiots in a...
  18. Kurokat

    Realistic or Modern Let the Games Begin!
    Index: Character

    First post Name: Carson Greene Age: 24 Height: 5’7” Appearance: Angular face with pale skin and slight freckles. Has semi curly dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. Slimmer build. Occasionally wears glasses when reading. Personality: A bit of a know it all. And a bit standoffish when confronted...
  19. Kurokat

    Prince x prince mxm

    Ok awesome I'll pm you!
  20. Kurokat

    Prince x prince mxm

    Hello! I am looking for someone interested in doing a 1x1 mxm role play. I am open to anything however I am currently in the mood for a prince x price storyline (Pm for details). I would prefer a minimum of three sentences per post I am usually active and will post multiple times per day...