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  1. Geozaki

    Fandom Will and Kiara Fairy Tail 1x1 (Closed)

    Kiara strolled through Magnolia, she was wearing a black hoodie, a pair of dark blue jeans and some brown walking boots. She had a small satchel slung over her shoulder and her hands were placed inside the one large pocket in her hoodie. The sky was clear and the reddish hues of sunrise were...
  2. Geozaki

    Fandom Will and Kiara Fairy Tail 1x1 (Closed)

    A thread for myself and @ManofManyRoles to RP a one on one using our characters from the Magnolia's Massacre RP.
  3. Geozaki

    Fandom Eternal Horizons

    The most bad-ass team ever, a man who obliterates hellspawn for a living... and... a Shih Tzu
  4. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    Draco glanced at Crystal as she left, sighing and giving a disapproving 'tut'
  5. Geozaki

    The Nanos 1x1 (Closed)

    Patrick nodded. "I agree" He commented on Jude's suggestion. He followed her to the car, assuming Anya would then follow them both. When they reached the car he placed the girl in one of the back seats and strapped her in. @Judeygiraffe @LaBellaMafia
  6. Geozaki

    The Nanos 1x1 (Closed)

    Patrick was also annoyed by the whole thing but he was keeping it inside. At least, he didn't look like he was irritated on the outside. "We should probably get back" He suggested. "Then we can see if there's any way we can track them... and see if she's ok." He gestured to the girl in his arms...
  7. Geozaki


    "Sorry" Lilly mumbled again. She hung her head, looking at the floor guiltily. She noticed that the floor seemed to have an area that was shaded differently to the rest. At first she didn't think much of it, but as she looked at it more, it seemed less and less natural. "Uh.... Alister..." She...
  8. Geozaki

    The Nanos 1x1 (Closed)

    Patrick rushed over to the figure lying on the floor. The figure seemed to be a small girl who was out cold. The girl had bright pink hair and seemed to be wearing a slightly unconventional school uniform.  ((For reference Pics of where I got the inspiration for her appearance: Like this...
  9. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    Draco tried to ignore Crystal ((Sowy... again...))
  10. Geozaki


    "S-sorry..." Lilly said quietly... she did't want to be irritating. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down... which did't exactly work. So she just tried to appear as if she were calm. @Aenon @YoungX
  11. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    Jenny giggled, enjoying having a new friend, and enjoying the red colouration that was spreading across Draco's usually pale face.
  12. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    "It's lovely to meet you Crystal" Jenny said with a smile. "I think we're going to get on rather well!"
  13. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    Draco ignored her laughing, returning to talk to his friends. A girl from Slytherin moved to sit next to Crystal. "Hey, you're... Crystal?" She asked. "Welcome to Slytherin, oh and ignore Draco, he has a bit of a crush on your brother, so that's why he's acting strange around you." She spoke...
  14. Geozaki


    Lilly listened to Alister as he read the entry out to her. When he finished and mentioned that they should check out the other huts she nodded slowly. She knew he was right, but the idea still scared her.
  15. Geozaki

    Harry Potter

    Draco stared at Crystal for a while, before looking away in an over dramatic way (Sorry again!)
  16. Geozaki


    ((Sorry Guys)) Lilly walked over to Alister. "What does it say?" She asked quietly. @YoungX @Aenon
  17. Geozaki


    Lilly looked up at Allister. "I-ok" she said nervously. She loosened her grip on his hand a little, and tried to calm down. The village may be empty, but it still gave her the creeps, maybe that was why it gave er the creeps? @Aenon @YoungX
  18. Geozaki

    The Nanos 1x1 (Closed)

    As the SUV pulled away Patrick opened a laptop that was kept inside the vehicle at all times. He gave Anya directions to follow. "They should be just at the end of this road" He announced after a few minutes, and surely enough, they were. The familiar figures of a butch man and a rather tough...
  19. Geozaki

    The Nanos 1x1 (Closed)

    -- Meanwhile at Nanos HQ -- Patrick was running the final checks on his computer before shutting it down for the night. Just as he was about to switch it off a warning popped up on the screen. The notification opened a video feed and a small marker on a map. "Shit" He cursed before rushing...
  20. Geozaki


    Lilly looked up at Alister as he spoke, and nodded in response to his question. Then she noticed the village in front of them, she wasn't sure why, but the sight of the village made her feel scared, she clutched on to Alister's hand. @Aenon @YoungX