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  1. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki shrughed, beginning to eat "keep them wondering. I'd rather not he hunted up to join a guild or partner with everyone under the sun" she said, finding Cooper a bit of meat. "Makes it a bit more...mysterious if they don't know who did it" she said "but it seems like a few people have figured...
  2. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki nodded, and followed after them both. As she looked around she noticed a few scattering a of other players. So they had found out that the floor had been cleared and they could now access the second floor. She heard some of them saying "who do you think defeated the boss? If it was me I...
  3. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    "Still..." Suki said hesitantly "I wouldn't want to be a bother, or to intrude even if you do offer" she sighed softly and nodded "breakfast sounds good" she said, nudging Cooper, "go on you silly thing, down the stairs with you!"
  4. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki smiled "Cooper enjoys a morning walk and exploration. Another reason why it was best to have a seperate room. I didn't want to wake you, or have Cooper wake you." She said, making a slapping sound on her leg, Cooper darted to her side, and she petted him. She smiled and shrugged "we could...
  5. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki had already been out, letting Cooper romp about, before returning to the inn. She was sitting at a table, and airing for Jack, when Cooper ran up the stairs, and knowing the dog, Suki rose, knowing he would jump and playfully attack Jack jntil she pullEd him back
  6. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki remembered when they had shared a room before, waking to see Jack looking out the window. She had foolishly thought that perhaps they could do this. And then Jack had left. She shook her head "it's okay. Cooper likes to roam about and enjoys sleeping on the bed. I wouldn't want him to...
  7. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Silo gratefully took the sweet roll, and had soon consumed it. When they stopped at an inn, she took out some meat for Cooper, giving it to him. "You did good today boy" she said brightly, petting him, She looked for the land lord, and inquired about rooms
  8. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    As they walked, Suki could see the beginnings of a town. The town was small, compared to he towns from the level before, yet it seemed to have an inn, the travel portal, and the market as well as living areas. NPCs were milling about, and seemed to looked at them before returning to their tasks...
  9. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki wasnt scared that she would fall. She shifted in the air, ready to catch herself, when Jack caught her. Cooper thinking that this was a game, jumped and bounced around them, licking any bare skin that he could. Suki found herself laughing, breathless, and smiling. "Yeah-perfectly fine!"
  10. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki shook her head in mild amusement "nope. But I have this" she looked up, timing the massive bugs flight, and then she took a running jump, and caught herself on the monster. She equipped her daggers, and began to attack the beast, Cooper barking below
  11. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki nodded, starting down what appeared to be natural steps in the side of the cliff. They were even, and at times, Suki found that she had to either jump down, or lower herself down. "Sometimes being short is a pain" she said in amusement, then looked up at the sound of...buzzing. Loud...
  12. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki smiled slightly, "without a little risks how can we expect to beat this game?" She said, giving a shrugging and dropping her hand into Coopers Fur as he walked beside her. She looked to Jack and smiled "it's nice to have a companion" she agreed, looking up as light bathed them, revealing a...
  13. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki shook her head, "They'll figure it out eventually. In each of the towns, the transporters will be activating, for everyone to reach the second floor. Come on. I don't want to be made a fuss over" She said, starting for the stairs that had appeared after the boss had been taken down, cooper...
  14. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    "Nope, you go ahead" Suki said, jumping back and calling Cooper to her, quickly using beast healing to heal him, watching his health return to the green. "Good boy" she said, "you deserve an extra helping of meat today" she looked to Jack, watching
  15. Caits

    A Tale of Fantasy

    Cassandra sighed as Sora darted off, leaving her behind to try and catch up. She began to run, being careful of the swords placed in the graveyard, as well as being careful of any uneven terrain,, not wanting to fall and twist and ankle or something. She also dropped her pack, not wishing to...
  16. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki took the side opposite Jack, and Cooper took the front. She darted forward, hoping that Jack was doing the same, seeing Cooper rushing forward as well, a snarl on his lips. Suki charged an attack, and let it go when she reached the boss, ducking under an attack
  17. Caits

    A Tale of Fantasy

    Cassandra stood up, slipping her things back into the pack. Maybe just having a few sketches would be enough to figure out what happened here. She didn't know, but it was worth a shot. She looked whereSora said and nodded "alright. Let's go. But be careful. We don't know where we are, after...
  18. Caits

    SAO Living and surviving

    Suki nodded in thanks to Jack, and shifted out the way, so they could both have room to attack. Cooper moved towards them, forming a triangle as he kept on darting in, and then back. Suki pushed Jack out the way as the boss began to get more aggressive in its attacks, bringing down it's sword...
  19. Caits

    A Tale of Fantasy

    Cassandra frowned. She walked around the swords, but not through them, circling where they were, not going to far. "It's almost as if they put the swords here to mark where the bodies were...hang on" she shrugged her pack off, and took out a sketch book, and her drawing utensils. She began to...
  20. Caits

    A Tale of Fantasy

    Cassandra continued to follow, not at such at fast pace, but deliberately slightly slower, in order to keep a look at what was around them. To her, it seemed wise. She nodded and replied in ways that enabled Sora to know that she was listening, and contemplating what he said. When be created...