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  1. Ayl

    Fantasy Consumed By Sins

    They quickly traversed the street and got into the limo. "Drive", he ordered. The car screeched onto the road at fast speed, as the sounds of other traffic goers' honks followed them. "Another entitled son of a bitch", they thought. Charles turned towards Raven. "I don't think Merson is as...
  2. Ayl

    Fantasy Consumed By Sins

    Charles contemplated over his cappuccino. He had a weakness for sweets, so he added two teaspoons of sugar. Normally he'd drink it black, but right now he was in no particular need of an energy boost, so he decided to indulge himself. "Hmm," he let out, "it is possible some of his 'investors'...
  3. Ayl

    Fantasy Consumed By Sins

    Charles took the piece of note from Raven and studied it. "Hmm, quite a bit out of the way. Although I doubt this is a trick. Merson might not go as far as divulge secrets directly to me, but he is not stupid enough to provoke my ire. I'll make the call and have someone I trust go over there and...
  4. Ayl

    Fantasy Consumed By Sins

    While Monmorth was a client and Merson was used to dealing with difficult clients over his years of work, the presence of the female, who exhumed more authority. And what she said frightened him greatly. An angry client was one thing, but compromising the trust that both clients and stock...
  5. Ayl

    Fantasy Consumed By Sins

    Nodding to the captain for the "permission", Kaleb powered on. "So, mister Merson..." he said while taking out a cigarette and lighting it. "There has been some form of a ... attempted intrusion at a place of high importance. Could you guess which?" the Lord asked slyly. At first, Mason regarded...
  6. Ayl


    "Huh" he said. "A walking chill pill. Now that can come in handy!" he joked. She was right about the dreams, though. They were gonna keep coming to him for a what seemed like a long while, so he better got used to them. He had no idea whether it was real or not. It seems more real than...
  7. Ayl


    The right question at the right time made him laugh. 'Appart from the obvious'. Well, at least she wasn't as innocent anymore, that was for sure. As soon as he calmed down, though, he looked at her, unsure whether to tell her about what he had dreamed about or to keep the whole thing to...
  8. Ayl


    He chuckled even more at the comment about the confession. "Well, at least he'll have a great story to tell." he winked. He was feeling too calm for how the situation was evolving. Here they were, in an old church, miles away from 'home', with a girl he found himself having feelings for. He...
  9. Ayl


    At her sudden breaking away, Derek opened his eyes as well and peared into hers. He couldn't help but chuckle at the obvious explanation that she automatically gave him. "Yeah, thought as much." he said, still laughing. "What's more surprising is you're quite good at it!" he finished, with a...
  10. Ayl


    One hand went around her shoulders and the other went through her hair, softly caressing her long, brunette locks. They had grown close to each other, that much was for certain. Why, he couldn't say. Maybe it was just something of the moment. They were more terrified, her more than him. Maybe...
  11. Ayl


    He could feel his sedated state diminish as her hand left his skin. His senses were coming back to him now. His eyes started darting around the room. Everything was fine, in its place. Then he looked at her. How she rubbed her shoulder made him recall how he did the same after so often in the...
  12. Ayl


    The seering pain in his shoulder, the headache overwhelming his head, the incapacity to breathe right, every negative sensation and emotion that hold grip over Derek vanished, suddenly, as if her touch brushed them away. Never had he felt such relief. Not during the most hot nights with even...
  13. Ayl


    "Alright." he nodded. Eventually they made their way through the new venue and found the guest rooms. The bed was only one, but a double one, enough for both of them to rest. Derek didn't give much attention to this detail. His mind was tired by the amount of information it absorbed and...
  14. Ayl


    Derek followed the priest's signalling of the intercom-phone and nodded as he retreated from the room, leaving him and Fin alone. Although he did sat straight during the meeting for a short time, he felt his feet heavier than before any drug run he had taken up in the past. It was as if his body...
  15. Ayl


    Listening to them, Derek finally nodded towards Fin. She was right, the journals were a good a source of information as any at that point, and the only thing they had to go on from there. But something told him that, no matter how much they'd search for it, they'll never find the phrase that he...
  16. Ayl


    Derek almost didn't hear the last words as he was still going through the journal frenetically for the missing phrase. "What?" he exclaimed. "You're saying there's more than just us? Great, we can have a club party after we stop being hunted down." he said, sarcastically. The thought kind of...
  17. Ayl


    As soon as the priest handed over the notes, Derek dashed through them to see what was what. It was all there. Everything he said, in even more details. Everything he said, dated, written by a careful hand on old paper. Even Fin's old papers, which he took a swift glance over her back at them...
  18. Ayl


    The information would've come as a shock, usually, but considering what they have been through up to that point, Derek wasn't as taken aback as he should've been. It made sense. He had trouble dealing with the amount of information, since there bits he could see happen but some were too much. He...
  19. Ayl


    Never did he feel good in churches. This time was no exception. Everything looked even older than the church before. Although it was good to get out of that damn wind. It didn't matter where you were on an island, the breeze coming from the ocean was just as chilly. Fin was keeping close to...
  20. Ayl


    As he looked upon the church, he felt the deja-vu. No matter what anyone said, all churches looked the same to him. Places meant for people to cower to, seeking the help of an imaginary entity that supposedly created them. However, Derek knew that for his sins, the price for redemption had to be...