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  1. Owlbear

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    I'm tired of seeing interest check that focuses on what turns out to be a relatively small part of the actual rp. The amounts of time I've joined what I thought was a fast paced, action focused roleplay only for it to turn out to be mostly slice-of-life is to damn high.
  2. Owlbear

    Other Random question of the day

    Oh yeah, there used to be one of those shows in my country a while back. It was downright hilarious.
  3. Owlbear

    Realistic or Modern Magical Goddess Girls from Outer Space IC [CLOSED]

    Anne Johnston Location: Tsubara's house. Interacting with: @animegirl20 Anne had mostly stayed quiet during her visit at Tsubara's home, preferring to just watch her group of friends have fun rather than join them. Visiting other people's houses always made her feel a bit uncomfortable, since...
  4. Owlbear

    Realistic or Modern A Magical OOC from Outer Space [CLOSED]

    @BackSet Finished my character. Is there anything you want me to change?
  5. Owlbear

    Realistic or Modern A Magical CS from Outer Space [CLOSED]

    Name: Anne Johnston Nicknames: N/a Chosen Goddess: Goddess of the hunt, Artemis Age: 17 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Asexual -PERSONAL- High Concept: Delinquent with a heart of gold. Personality: Having long since realized that she'll never amount to much, Anne has pretty much...
  6. Owlbear

    Realistic or Modern A Magical OOC from Outer Space [CLOSED]

    Sorry, I'll have a character up by tomorrow.
  7. Owlbear

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I've been toying with doing an rp based on the "legend of the five rings" setting. I really like the lore (even if it jumped the shark a bit what with all that Spider Clan nonsense) and the setting lends itself perfectly for more political and intrigue based plots.
  8. Owlbear

    Fandom Anyone Up for Warhammer RPs?

    I'd might be up for a 40k rp depending on how much you bend lore. I'd definitely be up for an AoS rp.
  9. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying that it's a useful ability. I'm just saying that it doesn't really work as an alternative to the jedi mind trick.
  10. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    Isn't force empathy just the ability to feel the feelings of others, not to make others feel the same as you?
  11. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    So they'd start with one less force power than those who play a Jedi or Sith?
  12. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    @TheForce If my character is a force user, but doesn't subscribe to views of either the Jedi or the Sith, do they gain the ability to use the jedi mind trick or force lightning?
  13. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    Eh, on second thought. I think I'll change him to something that's a little less rip-off of the Darth Jar Jar theory. Maybe I'll make him a smuggler/bounty hunter.
  14. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    @TheForce Finished my character. Is there anything you want me to change about him? That said, I'm not terrible fond of how he turned out so I might chance him into something else.
  15. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond- CS

    W.I.P Name: Jak Mor'in Species: Gungan Age: 54 Gender: Male Height: 6'7" Weight: 185 Ibs Hair: N/a Eyes: Yellow Inside Faction: The Kybal Syndicatel (At least until he finds someone who pays more). Alignment: True neutral Rank: Force sensitive: Y Gadgets: A purple lightsaber. Ship: N/a...
  16. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    @Xcelgamer I was toying with the idea of having my character use force rage, would that be alright with you or do you think that'd step on your character's toes too much?
  17. Owlbear

    Fandom Star Wars- Something Beyond

    @TheForce I'd love to join this. However, I'm not super up to date with the current Star Wars canon (I'm more of a legends man, myself). Can I still join?
  18. Owlbear

    Fantasy In The Land Of Gods & Monsters OOC

    @Kakyoin Speaking of playing multiple characters, I was toying with the idea of making a character that was the incarnation of one of the watchers from Book of Enoch. Would that be alright with you?
  19. Owlbear

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This is more of an TTRPG pet peeve but whatever. I really wish more people would branch out and try a new system every now and then. I'm getting pretty annoyed that I constantly see people trying to run (or worse, having the fucking audacity to ask someone else to run) a, say, My Hero Academia...