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  • Users: Damarious
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia - Settings/Locations

    Agathia is a world that was created after the downfall of the one we know. This forced all humans to start over again. Science and technology still continue to exist, however, now there is also magic. After the Magicals emerged from their hiding places the humans were forced to coexist along...
  2. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia - Additional IC

    Hello, fellow Agathians! Welcome to the Wall of Seekers. This section will be dedicated to those who wish to put up notices that they are in need of some helpful people! You can advertise what you need here. People? Creatures? Whatever you need. If you are in need of a Spero Team, please state...
  3. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia

    Agathia, a land that rose from the ashes of a nearly destroyed civilization, is split in half. One half is made safe for the Magicals that have finally emerged out of their hidden sanctuary due to having been pushed into the shadows for years. The other half made of humans, decedents of those...
  4. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia

    Agathia, a land that rose from the ashes of a nearly destroyed civilization, is split in half. One half is made safe for the Magicals that have finally emerged out of their hidden sanctuary due to having been pushed into the shadows for years. The other half made of humans, decedents of those...
  5. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia

    start if ready
  6. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia

    Character sheet template! You're welcome to create your own!! [General] First name: Last Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Race: Sexual orientation: Marital status: Where you are from: [Appearance] Eye colour: Hair colour: Height: Body type: Scars: Tattoos...
  7. Damarious

    Fantasy Agathia (CLOSED)

    Agathia, a land that rose from the ashes of a nearly destroyed civilization, is split in half. One half is made safe for the Magicals that have finally emerged out of their hidden sanctuary due to having been pushed into the shadows for years. The other half made of humans, decedents of those...
  8. Damarious


    Hi! (*v* ) I'm Damarious. I'm an at-home English major joining to build up some motivation! And to have some fun, because I love roleplaying and it's a great way for me to improve my writing skills! I've been roleplaying for a while now, not sure how long it's been though. Man, introductions...