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  1. GreenIV

    Fantasy The Crew of the Silver Stream Main Thread [OPEN]

    The old elf's words resonated inside Oda's chest. It is apparent he has not earned the respect of his elder, and figures he must do so soon if he is to be sailing with him. The Dragonborn looked over the ship and viewed the Mariynas sparring in various styles, some using magics Oda was...
  2. GreenIV

    Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! The Feuding Guild.

    This seems like it'll be good! One clarity question: Would each of the given Pokemon have a best friend or just the apprentices? If I could claim Feraligator, Hydreigon, and Zoroa that'd be great. The best friend for Zoroa would be a male Inkay. I imagine there'll be a space to write out...
  3. GreenIV

    Fantasy The Crew of the Silver Stream Main Thread [OPEN]

    Oda looked up at the clouds being carried by the wind touched by the sea surrounding him. The Sun highlighted the water and made many of the trading boats incoming and outgoing simply black to his eyes. This is a day which is strong with the Wind, he thinks. He had been sitting on the ship he...
  4. GreenIV

    Fantasy The Crew of the Silver Stream Characters

    Oda of the Wind The Dragonborn 23 years old Lawful Good Heterosexual Political Views Oda supports the old empire much more than the new due to the fact he believes the new one is simply more foolish and rash. He does believe that the Old Races are superior to the Young, though he finds use in...
  5. GreenIV

    Fandom [POLL]Which of the two seems more interesting?

    Hi! I've recently had a small burst of inspiration recently when going back to play SCP Containment Breach as well as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (PMD), thus I'm curious as to who would be interested in joining an RP bashed around either of those fandoms. My general idea for the PMD one is to...
  6. GreenIV

    Fantasy The Crew of the Swift Stream

    Awesome - i'll read this today. Are you gonna have a character skeleton made up of any kind?
  7. GreenIV

    Fantasy The Crew of the Swift Stream

    Oooo this seems really cool. I'm a sucker for intricate combat. I'm definitely interested.
  8. GreenIV

    Fantasy City of Evil Recruitment

    This seems really interesting! Is there a list of races or anything? I didn't notice anything on the character skeleton.
  9. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - IC

    Sulfur Blackbody Sulfur stood up from Shire, looking down at his now very tight clothes. He frowned comically before responding to Shire's statement. "Yeah, thing is I was supposed to die a few minutes ago. I didn't really like the thought so I woke up." He turned his head to Marilyn and...
  10. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Oh, gotcha, sorry
  11. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    I have big plans for Sulfur muhahaha
  12. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    KG loves Sulfur, c'mon
  13. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    You think unknown likes tea?
  14. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - IC

    Sulfur Blackbody The will to live was all that flooded Sulfur's mind. He couldn't stay in this coma, his own mind was turning against him. Sulfur predicted that his body's pulse was probably wildly fluctuating. He had hoped no one was looking. It was time for his fears and weakness to turn...
  15. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    apologies, flew back to CA from WA. writing now
  16. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Sulfur is making that cloud army weapons made of vape
  17. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    @Liralli I believe Marilyn should speak up
  18. GreenIV

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Yay! GM hath returneth!
  19. GreenIV

    An Undeniable Truth - OOC

    Now that is something I did not know, adjusting
  20. GreenIV

    An Undeniable Truth

    Objective: » Figure Out What The Hell Is Going On Location: »Elmwood Manor With: »@McMajestic , @StoneWolf18 , @JokerValentine , @Vampunk , @FlameintheRoses Des West Des awoke tied up next to his equally confused pals. Helplessly listening as Elmwood was describing how he was...