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  1. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    Dakota- Ben wrinkled his nose a little in distaste and worry and shook his head. "Scratch that. You keep her inside and I'll carry my own flashlight." I laughed, "Carry it in your teeth if you have to."
  2. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    Reven- I nodded slowly and reached for her hand to squeeze it gently and reassuringly. "I know." I said softly. "I am too." There was so much at stake, and even when I could usually be calm about dangerous things when my family was threatened it didn't make things easy.
  3. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Elijah- I just grinned a little when Emma expressed her concern, starting to put things away. "We . . . We ate out a lot?" Anna frowned miserably. "I actually started to hate pizza a little, and part of me died inside."
  4. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    Ben- I wrinkled my nose at her a little and waved off the idea. "I already know how to do it, maybe next time you can follow me with a flashlight so I don't kill myself on a shovel."
  5. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    Reven- I managed a little laugh and shook my head at her. ". . . We . . . We'll figure it out." I said, even though I had enough worries of my own. "We always figure things out when we put our heads together, right? And we've got Mother and Father with us, too."
  6. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Elijah- Anna just laughed and hugged Emma again before moving deeper into the aisle we'd been browsing for ingredients. "We're an army all by ourselves! Now it's cake time, let's get stuff!"
  7. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Elijah- Anna turned to give Brett a mostly joking scathing look. "I will pick the locks and hog tie you, cowboy. Do not get between me and cake."
  8. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    Reven- I smiled faintly and gave Izabelle a little tap on the forehead. "Come back to earth, Iz. We'll get it all soon. We were always fast learners, and we had Uncle Favian to teach us some." But he was busy running the kingdom. He couldn't come after us like our mother and father had.
  9. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    Ben- I groaned and shook my head. "I wish she'd just stop thinking she can use technology. I'm so tired of having to stumble around in the dark trying to replace the fuse." When Dad wasn't home it became my job.
  10. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    ((Aw, that's so cool :) sorry about the absence, I'm working full time hours at what is supposed to be a part time job and it's exhausting but I need the money so .... Yeah. My brain is fried half the time and it makes motivation difficult)) Reven- I yawned quietly, careful to turn my head...
  11. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    Ben- I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her, laughing a little in the process. "I could never be as cool as Wayne. Or as good with computers." Kota only shrugged. "Hey, at least technology doesn't spontanesouly combust when you get near it like it does with Dad."
  12. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Elijah- I sighed and just shook my head, raising my hands in defeat. "All right, all right. We'll all be in sugar comas before the night's through, and we'll be happy about it." Anna threw her arms up and cheered. "Yay, sugar!"
  13. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Elijah- Anna smiled and put her arms around Emma, leaning their heads together. "Food pain is worth it."
  14. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    Ben- Kota stuck his tongue out at her and crossed his arms, mostly faking being upset. "I know words." He said, in way of explanation, and I had to smile a little. "We know. We'll just walk fast. A little less anticipation won't hurt."
  15. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    ((So sorry -_- me and my terrible memory, and works been really hectic lately. I don't come on this site as often anymore so I sort of forgot)) Reven- It was warm and safe in our little space together, and I woke with a hand clenched loosely in Mother's sleeve, head resting on a pillow...
  16. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    ((Aw, that stinks. Works crazy for me too right now since its holidays. I'm really tired though so I'll try to think of something tomorrow, okay? :) ))
  17. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    Oh, gosh, I was hoping you were okay :( don't even worry about it. I understand. Hope things are better for you soon.
  18. EdithSpeaks

    Future Days (Dreamer)

    ((Well . . . Lol I kid)) Ben- Kota laughed a little and gave her a playful nudge. "Waiting's half the park. Think of it as building anticipation, and then it seems less sucky."
  19. EdithSpeaks

    Forbidden Love (Dreamer)

    Reven- I 'oof'ed softly as Mother and Father pulled us down, but cuddled into my mother and sister as we settled in, our parents on either side of us. Their hands locked together over us, and somehow that made it feel as if everything would be right. Because we were together, and because after...
  20. EdithSpeaks

    Xiox High (Dreamer)

    ((Oh, no :( aw, I'm sorry, Dream)) Elijah- I shook my head, laughing at the two of them, and looked around once we were in here candy aisle. "I don't personally like being in pain, thank you." Anna elbowed me as she passed by, tossing a wink over her shoulder. "Such a weakling."