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  1. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern Into the Sunset (A Wild West interest check)

    Fantastic! I plan on posting a thread soon, hopefully this weekend; I posted this check not long before a very significant move to a new state, new job, AND new time zone, so I’ve been a little otherwise occupied!
  2. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern Into the Sunset (A Wild West interest check)

    Glad to hear it!! I’d like for things to move farther if we’re lucky!
  3. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern Into the Sunset (A Wild West interest check)

    Introduction When maps started getting made, and people started returning from excursions and wilderness expeditions with stunning paintings, vibrant prose-y descriptions, and tall tales of hardship and heroism, all eyes were turned on the great expanse of the world beyond the Mississippi River...
  4. Sleipnir

    Advice/Help Threads falling flat on their faces...

    Now, I'm not exactly new to roleplaying -- I've been doing this for almost 15 years, probably, since I was a tender little 13 year old making beautifully cringe, lovely, edgy little 13 year old type characters, and I've roleplayed in a variety of settings. I've done chat boxes (yes, really!) and...
  5. Sleipnir

    Fandom Monster Hunter: Voyage (IC)

    The hunter glanced between Daisuke and Doe as the two spoke, nodding with a slight, serious frown. He glanced back toward the market square, where booths had been knocked over, and goods of all sorts from jewelry, to fruits, to fabrics were strewn across the cobblestone streets. The Khezu had...
  6. Sleipnir

    Fandom Monster Hunter: Eclipse (Character sheets/sign ups)

    NAME: Timber TITLES: Wildwalker AGE: 26 GENDER: —— PRONOUNS: They/them JOB: Behaviorist; studying wildlife interactions WEAPON(S) OF CHOICE: Switchaxe; Dual Blades PERSONALITY: Timber comes off as slightly odd, often displaying somewhat strange behaviors such as distinctive...
  7. Sleipnir

    Fandom Monster Hunter: Eclipse (Character/storydriven monster hunter rp)

    Yes hello once again you aren’t able to do things without me being present
  8. Sleipnir

    Fantasy Painted Sky (Sleipnir)

    As Judas made his way over, he couldn’t help but note the scars across Henry’s speckled rump — and, admittedly, his gut reaction was a bad one. The flash of anger in him was a little hard to choke back, but he didn’t have a reason to believe any of it was Reid’s doing; especially not when there...
  9. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern A Haunting at Silver Harbor Light | Sleipnir; Rusting Knight

    Morgan hadn't even noticed Sadie wandering -- not when, initially, she was so caught up in answering questions, giving out maps and information, or otherwise paying attention to the other guests. On a few occasions, as guests filtered back out the door and back toward their cars, she could swear...
  10. Sleipnir

    Fantasy Painted Sky (Sleipnir)

    Judas huffed and stood up, brushing his hands on his jeans with a shake of his head. "Am I dealing in stolen stock," he echoed ruefully. He took a moment to adjust his clothes, then stood up straight and turned to look at Reid. "Dealing in stolen stock? C'mon, now. Have a little faith in me...
  11. Sleipnir

    Other AI in Roleplay & Writing

    Kill it with fire. I can’t say anything here GonjiBean and Madame Love Love haven’t already addressed more eloquently, so… Why would I have these hobbies if I didn’t want to do them!? I
  12. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern A Haunting at Silver Harbor Light | Sleipnir; Rusting Knight

    It was a solid talk, Morgan couldn't deny that. She kept her theme so tight and redirected questions so well that she almost forgot where she was entirely -- for a brief, beautiful moment, her program was going so well, that she forgot about the anxiety around the lighthouse entirely as the...
  13. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern A Haunting at Silver Harbor Light | Sleipnir; Rusting Knight

    Morgan wasn't the sort to stay out on the town for too long before work. Even having a late shift and having the time, she didn't really care to get herself too tired before work -- but then, her tired eyes gave away her state of constant exhaustion anyway. She was just terrible at resting, and...
  14. Sleipnir

    Fantasy Painted Sky (Sleipnir)

    Judas nodded along as Sam spoke. It was good to think he would be able to do what he wanted with the stock — he’d saved up quite a bit of money with skipping town in mind, so he wasn’t exactly hurting for cash. He’d had hauls tucked away in so many places that even if Cole had robbed him, he...
  15. Sleipnir

    Fantasy Shadows on the Canyon Floor | OOC

    Hey! Checking in because it's been a bit. Do we have anyone else planning another post, or should I go ahead and post again? If the last one wasn't sufficient to give folks things to respond to, I can post again and try to move things along a little more effectively.
  16. Sleipnir

    Fantasy Painted Sky (Sleipnir)

    With all Reid had to say, it sure sounded like this little caravan of Sam’s really didn’t have the resources it needed to get where they were going. Looking around as he dug impolitely into his food, Judas could hear any number of languages— English, of course, but others too. Some Spanish...
  17. Sleipnir

    Realistic or Modern A Haunting at Silver Harbor Light | Sleipnir; Rusting Knight

    Silver Harbor was the cutest of lakeside towns: This was a fact Morgan McCoy was certain of, and she'd been in plenty. Surrounded on all sides by thick mixed forests, with rivers and ponds and streams running through them and out into the bay, the only sort of outdoor recreation the Northwoods...
  18. Sleipnir

    Multiple Settings 1x1 Long-term LGBT/Horror

    Hello! I ALSO love cowboys and happen to be LGBTQ. I belong to a different subspecies of Cowboy, seeing as I’ve spent the past year and a half in Utah learning about Cowboy history, but Cowboy is one of my favorite genders and I am VERY interested in playing them when I can!