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  1. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint What Do You Look For in an RP?

    fun question! i will start off with: i know you want to make the thread to appeal to a large number of participants, but remember it's more important to have the right writers than the most. especially since you mention vetting writing capability later on. a few active, engaged writers beats...
  2. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    i'm sure (almost) no one would begrudge you for writing with an ai partner. in this thread, people are explicitly discussing using ai generated content to reply to (human) partners' posts or to advertise for new writing partners - so, claiming ai generated content as your own/implying you wrote...
  3. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    i have no interest in writing against ai; if i did, i'd skip the human "middle man" and do so directly. not only would i think it was disingenuous to send me ai-generated responses when i was putting in the effort to make mine "from scratch," but the fact i'd suspect it at all would mean...
  4. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

    while i can totally understand where people who hate love triangles are coming from and empathize with a lot of the reasons here, i am having a blast writing one with two other writers in which the fellas pining for the same lady develop feelings for each other as well. they're likely going to...
  5. kawaiiyote

    Experiences What was your first ever rp with someone?

    late 90s on a neopets forum. i had no idea roleplaying was a thing, but the very moment i saw it, it was like a golden radiance beamed out of the crt monitor.
  6. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint Storing Character Pages

    it's always depended on where i was writing, tbh. i am primarily a discord roleplayer these days, so i keep character info on a private server that only has me in it. it's convenient to grab what i need. that said, i keep a backup of anything important on google drive. has been a great...
  7. kawaiiyote

    Experiences When RPs fall off, what happens to your OC?

    i save them and any work i did on them somewhere! so many unused characters have found new life in different rps. i like to hold onto my favorites and recycle/reimagine them again and again in new settings and scenarios. when it pans out, i sometimes keep story arcs they've been through with...
  8. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    many have said coding, & i agree - though i actually like/enjoy coding! i do not, however, have any desire to implement it in roleplay posts. i want to be able to read and post on mobile if need be. i just wanna yeet my posts. it's so tedious to copy code, first, then insert the text. hate it...
  9. kawaiiyote

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    i started when i was ten, so there are a lot of regrettable choices i've made over the decades years. the ones that still bother me vs making me laugh, though, have to do with communication or lack thereof. i wish i'd put my foot down when an rp took an uncomfortable turn back when i was a kid...
  10. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

    i'm not into, "this person is a legal adult but they look and act suuuuper young." not only would this be a turn off for 100% of my characters, it feels really gross. like many others, i don't love huge power imbalances like stalker x victim. honestly, no shade to the people writing these. i...
  11. kawaiiyote

    Experiences What are some RP ideas you've always wanted to try?

    rough cowboy type & scholarly intellectual (and outsider to the 'wild west) are forced to work together toward some end. potentially stranded in the wilderness together. historical, 1x1. a group of young adults go on a road trip together. probably friends who grew apart after high school /...
  12. kawaiiyote

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    when a person reaches out to me to plot something in the group, & another writer swoops in to remind that person that they still need to plot something together. or worse, that they'd be interested in the plot the person reached out to me about - then they start plotting together before i can...
  13. kawaiiyote

    Viewpoint What makes you turn down an RP opportunity

    i think i might be pretty fickle, but a couple "red flags" that'll send me packing in the planning stages are: not vibing ooc. it's so important to me that i have a friendly chemistry with a writing partner, and if everything feels awkward & forced ooc, i'm likely to save myself the trouble and...
  14. kawaiiyote

    Introduce Yourself!

    hey, there, i'm yote! i'm here to check out the group rp scene. specifically, i'd like to find a small group of other 25+/30+ writers to do some casual, low pressure writing with. it's nice to meet you all.