Search results for query: *

  1. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    Multiple Settings WWE Rp Idea With The Hardy Boyz At College

    Looking for anyone interested in doing a WWE roleplay. Must be semi-literate and able to write at least two-three sentence responses. I prefer to rp in 3rd person. I'm mostly kinda looking for wrestling fans or at least someone who knows enough about wrestling to hold out a steady rp with me...
  2. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    Multiple Settings Reincarnated As An Infant??? Looking for Partners

    Ok, so I haven't posted on here in like, a year and I'd like to get back into the game....I'm just looking for a willing partner to roleplay with. I'm a huge Metallica fan, and I've been craving a roleplay featuring the popular thrash metal band and combining elements of physical age regression...
  3. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    Multiple Settings Looking For Partners

    I'm looking for partners interested in a WWE roleplay in which a male or female wrestler is turned into a baby by a magic drug left in their water bottle and their wife, husband, friend or even enemy must care for them until they turn back into an adult again.
  4. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    No, me too!

    No, me too!
  5. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    You still on chatzy?

    You still on chatzy?
  6. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    okay, whatever floats your boat.

    okay, whatever floats your boat.
  7. WeirdAlternativeGirl


  8. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    Why did they take my icon away??? It can't survive on its' own!!!

    Why did they take my icon away??? It can't survive on its' own!!!
  9. WeirdAlternativeGirl


    Sam was really sleepy tonight and fell asleep before the movie was over with a bowl of melted ice cream by his side, his head resting on Dean's shoulder.
  10. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen smiles and points to Mac and cheese and ravioli. He didn't really care what they had for dinner.
  11. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen squealed and kicked out at Misha, glad when all that tickling finally stopped. He almost ended up soaking his diaper.
  12. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen squealed and giggled whenever Misha walked into the kitchen, seeing him up on Jared's shoulders.
  13. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen smiles and nuzzles Jared, gasping whenever Jared sat him up on his shoulders, yelling "I'm a good boy!", over and over again. He liked beingtheir baby. It was the best thing in the world.
  14. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen giggles and squeals, squirming, desperately trying to get out of Jared's strong arms. He soon got tired of laughing as it was making his sides hurt.
  15. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen squeals and squirms, trying his hardest to get out of Misha's grip, looking up at Jared when he walked into the room, practically begging him for help with those green eyes of his.
  16. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen giggles and squirms happily, trying to roll over and get away from Daddy Misha's tickles.
  17. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    One x One Jensen's Secret

    @LightFeather, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  18. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    One x One Jensen's Secret

    @LightFeather, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  19. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    After he was changed and in a fresh diaper, Jensen started to feel a lot better.
  20. WeirdAlternativeGirl

    A New Home

    Jensen wakes up a few hours later, crying from a wet diaper that had managed to leak, getting his onesie wet and making it uncomfortable. He also wanted to cuddle with his Daddies.