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  1. awkwardxprincess

    Boys will be boys(Gay Romance)

    SIGN UP HERE: THE STORY In the year 3089 the whole women population has died off. Men are the only ones left,because of this the world has completely changed. The human population has dwindled(obviously) but not...
  2. awkwardxprincess

    The Fallen (Akwardxprincess and Mondo !)

    (gosh, I hope you like the Title. I hope it isn't too cheezy xD . ) Monica's hands were sweaty, and more nervous then anytime she can remember. Yet at the same time, she was just as scared. She dropped her book bag on the floor, and sat down in a free seat in the school's auditorium next to a...
  3. awkwardxprincess

    Boys will be boys(Gay Romance)

    THE STORY In the year 3089 the whole women population has died off. Men are the only ones left,because of this the world has completely changed. The human population has dwindled(obviously) but not to the point of extinction. Because of this, the world has separated into two countrys - the...
  4. awkwardxprincess

    KILL BONE ACADEMY(I only need Five people)

    Welcome to the Kill Bone High school~ The academy where we teach you how to be an perfect successful assassin. I was an assassin in my younger days, and a very successful one at that . Client after client would hire me and I would always get the job done. No matter what the consequences and...
  5. awkwardxprincess

    Kill Bone Highschool

    Welcome to the Kill Bone High school~ The academy where we teach you how to be an perfect successful assassin. I was an assassin in my younger days, and a very successful one at that . Client after client would hire me and I would always get the job done. No matter what the consequences and...
  6. awkwardxprincess

    The Jewelry Games

    THE STORY: It is the year 2060. You and a couple hundred other people suddenly get kidnapped. Be it from your own houses, or in broad daylight, then knocked out. When you wake up you find you're in a secluded abandoned city, in the middle of no where, with tall walls as far as the eye can see...
  7. awkwardxprincess

    HELLO :D

    nice to meet all of you! I'm new (obviously) and would just like to say a good 'hello' to you all.....!! :smile 2: