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  1. DemonicAngel

    Youkai Koutougakkou

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  2. DemonicAngel

    Youkai Koutougakkou

    Read more about this role play... Name: Age: Type of youkai: Gender: Appearance: Likes: Dislikes: Other: My characters Name: Jake Hiro Age: 16 Type of youkai: half Bakeneko Gender: male Appearance: <p><a...
  3. DemonicAngel

    Fantasy Youkai Koutougakkou

    If you have received this letter you have been invited to join our school. We specifically cater to youkai and all kinds of youkai are accepted, in fact starting this year we will also be accepting half youkai too. We provide dorms, meals, and an extra class to help you learn to control your...
  4. DemonicAngel

    New Sins

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  5. DemonicAngel

    New Sins

    Read more about this role play... Sin demon character sheet Name: Age: Gender: Sin(lust, greed,ect): Appearance: Bio(just a quick one's fine just something that explains why they are whatever sin): Likes: Dislikes: Other: Familiar character sheet Name: Age: Gender...
  6. DemonicAngel

    New Sins [Inactive]

    DemonicAngel submitted a new role play: New Sins - What happens when a demon puts an ad in the paper? Read more about this role play...
  7. DemonicAngel

    Assassins of a different kind

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  8. DemonicAngel

    Assassins of a different kind

    Read more about this role play... Skelly Name: Age: Gender: Assassin class: Weapon(s): Personality: Bio: Appearance: Other: My characters Name: Vladimir Nerheart Age: 24 Gender: male Assassin class: demon Weapon(s): bare hands with the occasional weapon of...
  9. DemonicAngel

    Assassins of a different kind [Inactive]

    DemonicAngel submitted a new role play: Assassins of a different kind - Everyone knows about the stealth killer assassins, but there's more to it then that. Read more about this role play...
  10. DemonicAngel

    Perspective (under construction)

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  11. DemonicAngel

    Perspective (under construction)

    Read more about this role play... Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Picture/Description accepted.) Species: (Demons, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Angel, & Human) Crush: History: (Please include Physical Status, and home town) Scars/Birth Marks, Etc; Other:
  12. DemonicAngel

    Perspective (under construction) [Inactive]

    DemonicAngel submitted a new role play: Perspective (under construction) - Reapers, Angels, Demons, Humans. all with different views all trying to survive. Read more about this role play...
  13. DemonicAngel

    Genocide (Eyelessraven x DemonicAngel)

    Garett covered his nose the putrid stench of sickness and death. Stronger than usual today in the heat of the day. Situating his pack on his shoulder he headed to the town square. There was a gathering of people, all leaving the city though maybe not together. But he was heading out too anywhere...
  14. DemonicAngel

    Outside the Dome (DemonicAngl x Pom Pom Express)

    Kayrith wandered through the dark city streets. It was so much more peaceful at night inside the dome. But he didn't intend to be inside the dome for much longer. He was on a mission and he'd already been hanging around this place for two days. Maybe no one inside the dome cared about the...
  15. DemonicAngel

    Swimmingly (DemonicAngel x Angelfoodcake)

    Marketh swam through the water to his home. I large underwater castle. Once inside he veered down the stairs and to where he kept his little pet. "Here, pet." He called in a coaxing voice. "I've come to play with you."
  16. DemonicAngel

    [insert awesome title about 1x1 here]

    Hey, So I've been really wanting to do some 1x1 rps. I've got a few ideas but greatly welcome any suggestions. If you're interested please PM me. Here are the summaries. 1. A dome has been over the city. Keeping everyone in/out, but one day a stranger shows up. 2. War, famine, and sickness...
  17. DemonicAngel

    Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

    DemonicAngel submitted a new role play: Neko for sale (redo) - The market is open time to pick out your very own neko. Read more about this role play...If your a neko you start here: The new load of neko slaves was set outside in the open air market, you sit in one of the cages upon cages...
  18. DemonicAngel

    Neko for sale (redo)

    Read more about this role play... Slaves skelly Name: Age: Breed: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Other: Owners skelly Name: Age: Race: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Other:Slaves skelly Name: Joen Age: 16 Breed: unknown...
  19. DemonicAngel

    Neko for sale (redo)

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  20. DemonicAngel

    looking for 1x1 partner(s)

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...