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  1. DarkKitsune

    Active [Frontier] The AMAZE-ing Adventurer’s trial

    This roleplay takes place in the world of Isekai Hell! For more information involving the community click here! This roleplay will be kept on a seven-day posting schedule and update every Wednesday MST time. I’ll try my best to keep this rp within 2 months length. Will loosely be using the...
  2. DarkKitsune

    Finished [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

    This roleplay takes place in the world of Isekai Hell! For more information involving the community click here! This roleplay will be kept on a seven-day posting schedule. If everyone responds within the week limit, rounds may end sooner. The intended roleplay length is one or two months...
  3. DarkKitsune

    Finished [Widersia:Clockhaven] Tinkerers Triage: Start up company!

    This roleplay takes place in the world of Isekai Hell! For more information about the community click here! This roleplay will be kept on a Four day posting schedule, If everyone posts on time rouds may end sooner! This roleplay is expected to run anywhere between 1-2 months. There will be no...
  4. DarkKitsune

    Closed Replacing the regular tab appearances with images? (Solved)

    So in most codes on here images can be clicked and sections can be changed in some versions of these codes that I've looked at I noticed it's tabs. If it's tabs how would I do it? If it's instead not tabs and Accordians what code would I need?
  5. DarkKitsune

    Community [Isekai Hell] January 2024 entry- Self reflection

    this is a short story involving my character Griffin in the world of Isekai Hell. This is a entry for the communities event this month.
  6. DarkKitsune

    Digital Happy Holidays (illustrations)

  7. DarkKitsune

    Digital Illustration #1

    Illustration of my character Griffin from Isekai hell ! Drew it a awhile ago
  8. DarkKitsune

    Digital Dark's art dump 2.0

    basically where I dump the art of all my characters I use for roleplay. Illustrations will have their own separate posts if I ever decide to post any in the first place this basically contains my current archived characters for roleplays (With the execption of Daniela and Crimson those two...
  9. DarkKitsune

    Showcase Kit's character files

    Enough said this is where I’m putting my characters and some info involving them! Just to keep things organized! And for the purpose of convince! (All art is drawn by me) some characters may come from the same story and know another character. However that is not the case with all of them.
  10. DarkKitsune

    Realistic or Modern Messages in Color CS! (NOT ACCEPTING)

    Hello, It’s Kit and here is the offical character sheet page. This is where you’ll post your applications for my roleplay Messengers in Color. So here are the things you need to know! Accidentally came across this? If you did here is the link to the Interest...
  11. DarkKitsune

    Realistic or Modern Messages in Color Roleplay (closed.)

    PLOT 20 years ago, there had been rumors of a group referred to as ‘Messages in Color’. These rumors lasted a few months before getting forgotten by the public. According to these rumors, the group's members had used colors as their alias, though what this group did was yet to be deciphered...
  12. DarkKitsune

    Digital Art of my characters

    Mako Bain
  13. DarkKitsune

    Multiple Settings Looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner.

    Hello everyone! My name is Dark, (I also reply to Kit) and I am looking for a Roleplay Partner. I would prefer to build this roleplay with my partner though I do have A Idea; it’s only if you want to go through with it Don’t be scared to suggest your own ideas or even a entirely new plot! I am...