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  1. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STREETS OF TOWA CITY It wasn't really actually a genuine attempt at flirting, more so Deadpool messing around with Raiden playfully by being over the top about it. “Demanding a lot from me here, chief. Can't get a guy to drop his schtick like that." Was his simple reply to Raiden's request...
  2. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STREETS OF TOWA CITY Deadpool let Raiden leave his grip and speak his mind. He wasn’t with a pushover, in direct contrast to former sidekicks HYDRA Bob and A.I.M. HYDRA Bill, Deadpool certainly wasn’t complaining, or did he see it as a negative. He was certainly smiling. “Hey, you said it not...
  3. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY The cybernetic symbiote, Scorn, sighed in annoyance. Realizing how much of a waste of time this was becoming for one simple objective that she believed had been completed. “Put simply, if I really was your enemy, and wanted you dead... Either I would’ve let the...
  4. The Omen of Death

    Advice/Help Can staff wielding martial artist defeat an enemy in full plate?

    Actually it’s much harder than you think to cut a staff in half, not because of durability per say but movement. Also the amount of damage assuming the use of a quarter staff could actually hurt a lot more than you think, blunt force trauma was the most effective means of putting down an armored...
  5. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY Scorn dismissed Raiden’s apprehension, not interested in getting into a long winded conversation about those details and deciding it was best if they saw for themselves now. “At this point, it’s not a matter of if you’re willing to trust me, but rather of life and...
  6. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY As the day died down Towa City was now unwittingly and precariously thrust, into a situation it was not prepared for. A plague of despair was about to sweep into every pour, nook and cranny of it. Ready to plunge its people into chaos. The flames lighting up the...
  7. The Omen of Death

    Viewpoint How much of a Character do you need to know before portraying them?

    I’ll add a little thing, for writing a comic accurate character. A lot of the time they’re character is passed around like a hot potato between different writers, and usually preconceived “notions” of these characters usually are defined by those who were considered the “best” at writing them...
  8. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    OUTSIDE THE URBAN TOWA HOTEL Sitting outside of the glitz and glamour of the Stark Expo Party, was the fish out of water that was Jessica Jones. Who'd have stuck out like a sore thumb at the rich boy's circlejerk party, already having seemed to overstep her boundaries slightly by having...
  9. The Omen of Death

    Advice/Help One liner rp

    Gonna be honest, not a fan of one-liners. I feel like the only time it’s acceptable really is during combat where you can’t do a whole lot of physical action. Even then, you could always put some detail in those situations about how the character is feeling, in response to the other person’s...
  10. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    ...a katana through flesh, with a horrible scream of terror. "NOOOOOOOOO! GHOSTIE! HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET THAT RAISE TOO! HOW COULD THEY! YOU #@$&@*^$!" Deadpool shrieked, in mock horror grabbing the top of his head with his arms... Leaving silence again. Before something piped up. "Wait...
  11. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: Characters

    Appearance: "You shoot that gun at me--I will pull that bullet out of my ruined four hundred dollar leather jacket... and I will shove it up your ass with my pinky finger. And which one of us do you think that will hurt more? " Name: Jessica Campbell Goes by: Jessica Jones Universe From...
  12. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY Even staring down what would probably be his death, should Deadpool continue his path of irritating the AIM troopers, Deadpool with his devil may cry attitude, decided to push more of they're metaphorical buttons before he bit the dust mostly by throwing out bee...
  13. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY Naturally with all the merc's quipping to what he thought was an empty room, he got no response in anticipating A.I.M's arrival. Not realizing the SHIELD agent sneaking around. "Well, guess I thought wrong about when these reject mad scientists would mosey along...
  14. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    STARK-TOWA RESEARCH FACILITY "How many more times are we going to move me around, aimlessly?!? Have I just become Mr. Brief Cameo Man all of a sudden obnoxiously barging in on crap? Ah, I've done worse... Well, time to annoy another arc!" Deadpool, now found himself on an anonymous contract...
  15. The Omen of Death

    Other What would you most like advice and help in when doing writing?

    I as well am looking to work on more lyrical, flowery prose. Feel like that would be the best way to improve my writing, since I feel prose and writing is my weakness.
  16. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    “Wow guys, this has been amazing right? I got some amaaaaazing development there, right, going and doing a bunch of $#%* in the background because things went sideways in the background... Riiiiiight?” The insane merc spoke to no one in particular fuming. “Alright time to help wrap this up...
  17. The Omen of Death

    Other The Dark Humor Thread

    I feel bad for Anne Frank, first she gets her diary published which is every girls worst nightmare then she doesn’t make any money from it which is every jews worst nightmare
  18. The Omen of Death

    Other favourite creative insults?

    “Your mother is a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!” Ok but in all seriousness... “It must have been a sad day when you slithered out of the abortion bucket.”
  19. The Omen of Death

    Other The Dark Humor Thread

    Well I didn’t expect this to make a comeback! So i’ll post something here again: The FBI had an open position for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews and testing were completed, they had narrowed the field down to 3 possible agents. For the final test, the FBI agents took...
  20. The Omen of Death

    Fandom Gods Among Men [OPEN]

    I would definitely like to jump on board this train too, and go with Deathstroke here.