
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ravenclaw: Screw fun, I got shit to do! The OWLs are only in 8 months 4 weeks 12 days 19 hours 47 minutes and 53 seconds!

Gryffindor: Night time! Yes! The most dangerous creatures are nocturnal, like myself! Lets go break shit like the many hero I am!

Random fangirls: *swoon*
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ticci Toby Rogers
Hufflepuff: Awe yeah! Let's stay up past 8:30!


Hufflepuff: *out cold and snoring loudly*
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ticci Toby Rogers
Slytherin: *dances on table tops* *takes to many shots* *kisses Gryffindor but instantly forgets* *maxes credit card* *gets kicked out of bar* *hits the town* *streaks through the park* *goes skinny dipping* *breaks the law multiple times* *passes out naked in bed with Ravenclaw who's attempting to study human anatomy*