
Robin man
Robin man
-slowly reaches over and takes one-
What kind is it?
Little Sister
Little Sister
Chocolate Chip :>
Robin man
Robin man
*eats the cookie*
Little Sister
Robin man
Robin man
Got anymore? ^^
Little Sister
Little Sister
-skips out and returns with a box- ^ u^
Robin man
Robin man
Thank you ^^
-takes another cookie-
Little Sister
Little Sister
No problem :> -nibbles on a sugar cookie-
Robin man
Robin man
-eats a peanut butter cookie-
Got any milk?
Little Sister
Little Sister
-wipes the crumbs from her face- I think so. I'll go check :3
Robin man
Robin man
-sits down on a chair-
Thanks ^^
Little Sister
Little Sister
-comes back with a jug of milk in the crook of her arm, the other arm has two glasses- :D Found some!
Robin man
Robin man
-fills two cups with milk- There you go. -gives you a cup-
Little Sister
Little Sister
Thank you :> -takes the cup, picks up an almond cookie-
Robin man
Robin man
-eats more cookies.-
Little Sister
Little Sister
-nibbles at the cookies- ^ u^
Robin man
Robin man
-keeps eating cookies, and wiped some crumbs away.-
Little Sister
Little Sister
^ u^ -sips her glass of milk-