
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Play a spirit in what? >.>
Exalted. I've had like a million ideas for them but everyone wants Exalts instead, and I'm pretty sure that the Exalted guys themselves forgot that spirits are playable too.
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Sometimes I think the Exalted guys forgot everyone but Solaroids were playable. Then I remember 3rd ED is supposed to be a thing. I guess I'll reserve judgment until then. And if they still forget, then the judging happens.
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Would a Godblood be enough to mildly tickle that pickle?
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Or float that boat?
3E introducing so many new types of exalts has me worried and excited in equal parts - excited because it could be fun, worried because if it's just SOLARS ARE THE BEST AT EVERYTHING, AGAIN, again, we'll now have 9 inferior exalt types instead of only, what, 5-6? Spirits/Elementals will still probably be borderline unplayable too. Hasdfgh. I actually LIKE Solars but I'm tired of them being the best at EVERYTHING.
Like okay being the best at leadership and being golden ponces, sure. But why can't the Alchemicals be as good as them with crafting and magitech? Lunars their equals in fighting? I know the Unconquered Sun is a giant butthurt baby about any exalt type being better than his kind, but man I'd like to be able to play a Sid or Alchem and know that I wasn't flat out gimping myself when a Solar could do it better.
I have a pretty specific god(dess) planned right now and my other spirit ideas are also pretty spirit-specific. I really like the themes that spirits touch on, some of them are among my favorites to play with, and I don't think godbloods would work.
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Ponce is being generous. I prefer to call them the Glorious Golden Mary Sue Brigade. See also the Glorious Golden Mary Sue Gentocracy (#FirstAgeDeliberativeWereDicks).
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Also, as things stand, Alchemicals aren't, but Jadeborn kind of are. And alchies aren't far behind. Dragonborn were better at mundanes until 2.5 crapped on everything non-Solar.
Funny, one of my spirit ideas is that solars are great and all but it'd be nice if they worked with other people instead of being gigantic twats and forging ahead on their own.
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Aww. Sorry to hear it. I have sooooo many godbloods written up I'll NEVER EVER EVER EVER get to play. Heck, eventually I just started Exalting them for the hell of it (read: so I could play them).
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Our posts are out of synch. The sorry to hear part was to the godbloods not cutting it part. :p
I figured given the context of the rest of the post, but thanks for specifying!
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
You're welcome. If you can rely on me for anything, it's for being overly awkward and way too specific. I kinda worry that my sometimes attempts to witty come off as douchebaggery. :(
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
GAAAAAH. To be* witty. *grumblegrumble* stupid 20 second posting time limit. F$CKING FLOOD DETECTION D:
It's cool, I was off reading about God-Blooded since I could barely even remember what they did. They do actually seem pretty interesting, though still not compatible with muh current set of ideas. But not immune to inspiring more... because exactly what I need is even MORE ideas that may never come to fruition!
Thief of Words
Thief of Words
Sorry? Join the club? I'm still trying to get fruit out of the same 3 or 4 I've been trying to play for two or three years now.