
I’m gonna hafto stand my ground on certain things. And tell her off which will cause me stress. But Yknow what I’m kinda done?

Knowing her she’s gonna make a remark about my weight just cuz she’s gotten skinny and she’s gonna ask me all kinds of questions I don’t want to answer.

And lastly. She’s always up in my business and snooping through my things. Like the time she snuck through my diary. Or the time she snooped through my laundry. Or broke the lock on my greasure chest just to get to what’s inside. Last time I was there she snooped through my bag infront of me as I was leaving and snagged the phone I paid for.

So with that being said. I will most likely very little be active. For the next week. Catching up on much needed sleep but also being bored out of my mind and depressed worse than I am but struggling to hide it with my very realistic fake smile because every time I frown my mom says I’m embarrassing to be seen in public.

If I’m on I’m most likely in a public bathroom at a Walmart or something hiding in the stall as to not get caught by my mother being on rpnation.

Despite being almost 21 I still hafto be treated like I’m a toddler by my inconsiderate mother.

Wish me luck 2/2
That's awful. Parental abuse is an incredibly difficult minefield to wade through - you're doing an amazing job by being conscious of it, anticipating it, and working out ways to protect yourself mentally. You're a good person who's doing a good job.

If you need an ear to vent to at any point (or if you need a distraction), feel free to PM me. My friend's in a similar situation, though they're still living with their parents due to chronic illness. I definitely know the drill, and neither you nor your family will get any harsh judgment from me. Just free listening, no strings attached :)

Hang in there friend <3 Good luck!
Thank you that means a lot to me. At some point I may take You up on that
hey if she start doing something stupid you grab your phone and call the 911 and wait that is highly wrong of her to do
but i do pray she will try and do a better job of being a mom good night Nokumi Nokumi have a good day and hope she dont hurt ya if she does text me i will call the cops if you need
Thank you shadow