
Leon The Needled Riolu
Spiderman Toby Maguire
Spiderman Toby Maguire
Any advice to make being less edgy and more like....Sonic in attiude?
Spiderman Toby Maguire
Spiderman Toby Maguire
I'm tired of being the edge lord and a moping lord at that.
Leon The Needled Riolu
Leon The Needled Riolu
Hm. Well, Shadow, if you wanna be like Sonic in attitude, first off, maybe try some tea or something calming for ya. After that maybe try some meditation? If that doesn't work for ya you can always just talk to everyone maybe, maybe learn something new..
Spiderman Toby Maguire
Spiderman Toby Maguire
Mabey I also found him on here but he ain't online but he is using his real name with a 2k at the end. Sonikku what kind of n....no I think it's a good name.
Leon The Needled Riolu
Leon The Needled Riolu
I don't think that Sonic would use a 2k at the end of their name...