
Cuddly Kraken
Cuddly Kraken
I'm flattered.
Legendary Lovers by Katy Perry?
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny
That is good.
Yes, it is legendary lovers.
Cuddly Kraken
Cuddly Kraken
Muahaha, I win
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny
So you did count scores?
Cuddly Kraken
Cuddly Kraken
No. I just won this round because I was right
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny
Oh.. Okay. I see.. I see... *nods*
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny
Everybody loves my avatar... Why? I mean.. It's just a ferret...
Cuddly Kraken
Cuddly Kraken
It's an adorable ferret. I don't know really. What brought this about?
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny
People in the shoutbox.
Cuddly Kraken
Cuddly Kraken
Ah. Well, ferrets are adorable. Even I think so and I was attacked by one once. It basically ripped off the meat of my thumb. That was great -_-
Dapper Bunny
Dapper Bunny