
Sure. Basically the role play is just about a person that gets to hang out with a guy over the summer, but there are bunches of twists and turns and such around it. How do you think your characters and Tara should meet up?
Morbidia Bruxa
Morbidia Bruxa
Very nice, and perhaps she should meet aria first, maybe Aria could go I her in an airy or odd manor and want to show her something... And maybe my male character could be his watcher self and watch slightly. Aria cod tell her about him.. Or anything else in mind.
Sure. Do you think Aria should know Tara already, and then they'd just be hanging out, and Aria tells her about your male character?
Morbidia Bruxa
Morbidia Bruxa
Yes, maybe they don't know each other that well having met a short while before. And yes, I think Aria should tell Tara
So, they're acquainted and such, but are getting to know each other more so they go onto the topic about your male character... If this is so, shall we start in the PMs?
Morbidia Bruxa
Morbidia Bruxa
Yes, that sounds about right. And I must say I am rather new here so I apologize for any silly questions
It's alright. c: