
Leo Radomir
Leo Radomir
it's america's multi team big league cup i hate it to so i don't watch it
Bunny Hop
Bunny Hop
Ahhh, thanks. It hasn't made it across the Alantic
i'm forced to watch it -.- my family like soccer so i has to watch it 
Bunny Hop
Bunny Hop
Not much American stuff makes it over, your sweets come with health warnings attached.

How in the name of all things holy can you eat Warheads? Try Rowntree's Randoms (Although I am partial to a Hershey's bar, which happens to have the smallest warning)
Leo Radomir
Leo Radomir
soccer to them is our football lol i hate hershey's taste like sour milk
Meanwhile we have the Six Nations on right now, you know why we call it that? Because there are exactly six nations in it. See simple, clear, descriptive now was that so hard?
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
It's where guys throw around a bal and catch it and tackled eachother and make touch downs and all that other stuff