Venificam Venator

Venificam Venator: Written by Abbot Pablo de Madrid, in the year 1388 of Our Lord.

Chapter 1: The Evil Among Men

I write the briefest of histories here, so that my audience, both present and future, may understand the events of the century. The Infidels in the East forced the Crusaders out of the Holy Land early in the years, leading to the French Phillip's transgression against the Templar Order. Many of the Franciscan Order have been declared heretics, and some have burnt at the stake. The Muslim armies have marched near to Constantinople, but have not yet taken it. The Plague of God has ravaged Europe, leaving thousands upon thousands dead in it's wake. The English and French have been fighting over a throne claim for almost forty years now. The Babylonian Papacy has left the Catholic Church with a sour taste in it's mouth, but the true Pope has been restored to holy Rome.

In short, we live in an age of turmoil, my friends. The foul Ottomans make war on the Christian east. The French and English are at war, one with no foreseeable end. The Sickness has left whole towns desolate and lifeless. The Church is not on stable footing, but God may grant it fortitude once more. So we can only hope.

Chapter 2: The Evil Between Us

I have lain out the history for you, in the hopes that you may understand some of the worldly happenings. But the order of the world is not my concern in this brief essay. I write of a peril far more dire than any war of men.

Demons, witches, and ungodly monstrosities make their home in Europe, among the chaos of this age. Lucifer's minions, both of his realm and of men, test the heart and souls of man. They corrupt and destroy everything their sinful fingers touch. The Plague is a creation of evil, magicked into being by evil, godless men.

Fortunately, the masses do not truly know of the horrors among them. They tell stories to scare their children into obedience, but they do not know the truth in them. Many do not truly believe in these spirits and witches. It is this knowledge that we must protect them from.

Chapter 3: The Protection of the Lord

In dark times such as these, it is easy for the faithless to declare "I see not the workings of God! I see only the sins of Man!" But it is hope we must keep, so that the Lord may grace us with his protection. And grace us he has, for I have witnessed it with mine own eyes.

The Angel Michael came unto me in a dream, and gave me a book. When I awoke, this very same book was on my desk. It has no title, and the knowledge within is dangerous. Fortunately, I am a pious man, and the dark machinations of this Book of Sin have had no effect on me. I am no less devout, no less Christian, after having read it.

But I know of dark, evil things now. I know the nature of the demon and the witch. I know their power, and I know where it is spawned from. I firmly believe The Father will always provide, and in this he has. He, through Michael, has given me the strength to bring down the demon and the heretic.

Chapter 4: The Witch Hunter, or Venificam Venator

I know how the witch casts her spell. I know how the demon works it's trickery and mischief. You may call me tainted and unholy for carrying this burden, but I profess myself to be a protector. I believe a properly taught, God-loving man may declare himself Venificam Venator and join me in my crusade.

But it is no easy path. An initiate must submit himself to the essence of Sin and let it into his body. He must be ready to use the power of Hell against it's own minions. He must render himself impure, so that he may slay that which is impure. He must sacrifice his soul, forever barring himself from Heaven, so that he may protect the souls of others. He would be a Shepherd, protecting his flock from Sin.

No doubt I would be declared a heretic, were the Church to learn of this essay. For this reason, I have only made a few copies, and only give it to those whom I trust. Only those with the strength of will and of body shall read of it, and it is my hope and God's hope that they follow behind me.

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