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Fandom M͟y͟ ͟N͟i͟n͟j͟a͟ ͟W͟a͟y͟ -「Naruto Universe Inspired ‣ IC」



Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeb

1. Follow the Posting Order listed in the Discord server.
2. Posts are to be 2 paragraphs minimum.
3. Collaboration posts are acceptable. However, the person whose turn comes up must post the collab, and any character included will be skipped for the posting round.
4. This will not be enforced, but its encouraged: Include the general location of your character, and please tag all characters you are interacting with.

Any questions please ask in the Discord. Let's have a great time! ^_^




The time was 6am on the examiners watch as he checked to see how much longer their staff had to prepare. The moment the exams would start to see Genins at the Academy would be no sooner than an hour from right now. The race against time was on as he looked over the list on a clip board to verify all tasks were done. With a long sigh Choha looked up, where he noticed the vast sky turn into hues of dark and light blues. The sun had not yet pierced the skies as the orange rays were known to do every morning, which was a good sign to him as he overlooked 3 tasks that needed to be done. If he had not taken a short break then there was no doubt he would go nuts from the sheer anticipation of what was to come here in the next 2 hours. Hearing someone shout his name from the Academy entrance, Choha sped back inside to finalize everything for the Chuunin Exams.

On the other side of the village Tsubaki finished her outfit for the day. A knee length teal dress with a boat neck, 1 gold bracelet on each side, Kunoichi heels reinforced; The official 4th Hokage overcoat specially made for her with the lettering going down the back, and the Hokage hat for the special occasion. Tsubaki decided to proceed to dress for the occasion even though most would only see the outer Hokage wear. This was due to the sheer amount of people that would be watching her today, and for those who may see her with the overcoat off. Adsila and Ran were waiting for her in the office to provide an itinerary rundown for todays events. They were her sworn bodyguards, and had always been tasked with not leaving her out of their sights for even a moment. During their conversation Tsubaki requested them to work in the shadows this time, and both agreed to maintain contact through various discreet signs over the course of the Chuunin Exams. This was meant to not cause any more concern or worry for the villagers as rumors of what could be possible were already spreading faster than they could control.

During their cautious methods of protecting the Hokage Ran and Adsila were to alternate with each other to keep in contact with Konoha's Interceptor Barrier Division. Orders were placed for the department to be on high alert at all times, and Tsubaki wanted to make sure they were on the same page throughout the event. Not only that, but Tsubaki spoke with Suri, who was the Chief of the Uchiha Police, roughly a month ago to have almost all available personnel on direct standby for even the slightest disturbance throughout the exams. Every single outsider was being monitored closely by the Uchiha so as to maintain the peace within the village. Not only that, but each Konoha Jonin Leader was given strict orders to keep their Genin under control. These were difficult times to be in, and each one of them must be on their best behavior. Team 3 had been reprimanded recently due to their incompetence in a mission, and another insubordination mishap like that was not an available option in these last 2 weeks. Tsubaki made sure the instructions were crystal clear to Genju, their Jonin Leader.

After the meeting with her bodyguards Tsubaki went back to where her husband lay sleeping, and gave him a warm good morning hug. He grumbled in bed, but practically threw Tsubaki back into bed. After their sweet morning routine Tsubaki went into the nursery of their baby, and planted a soft kiss on his forehead so as not to wake him. They had a nanny to take care of their baby while they attended to tasks for the village, and was to stay close to their son as the exams were to begin. Leaving home Tsubaki made her way to the Academy to see how Choha was doing with setting the school up for the 1st part of the exams.

"How are the preparations going Choha?" Tsubaki carefully walked in so as to not startle Choha, which did not work. "Lady Tsubaki!" Choha said aloud as he whipped around in shock. Others in the room heard Choha and stopped what they were doing to greet her with a bow. Tsubaki could never get used to the respect she received as Hokage. She considered herself a part of the village like any other citizen would, but she was also the head of the village. Everything Konoha stood for, and what their future had to offer is what her entire position represents. A month ago some concerning events in Kirigakure caused the village to consider completely cancelling the exams for their village, but it was agreed upon by the Council and the Hokages that Konohagakure was to continue. On top of this, the council required Lady Tsubaki to be as present as possible to maintain their stance of standing strong. Therefore, she was here to oversee their Genins progress, but to also portray a wall of resistance to fear towards any of the other villages.

Returning the bow to every person in the room Tsubaki raised her hand so as everyone could continue their tasks. "So, how are they going?" Tsubaki asked in a soft tone. "Very well, Lady Tsubaki, We're near finished." Choha pointed to the list on his clip board. "There are roughly 3 minor tasks that need to be looked at before we give the go ahead, but otherwise everything is completed." Tsubaki gestured to the clip board. "May I?" she asked so as to take a look at the list. "Yes!" He swiftly passed Tsubaki the clip board. Scanning down the list Tsubaki nodded. "Wonderful work Choha, I knew I could count on you." she continued to look through the list, moving her finger down each row as a precaution. "Thank you Lady Tsubaki." He said with a slight blush. Choha was discouraged when he was picked as one of the department heads for the exams as there was no way he could handle such a massive task. Lady Tsubaki assured him that he was one of the guys for the task, and placed her faith in him. Grange let him know that they had recommended Choha for the position since Choha had one of the best organization skills in the Mission Council. On top of that, hearing Lady Tsubakis words assured him that he was indeed competent, and he would surely boast about his efforts to the others when he returned to his normal duties. "Choha," he snapped out of his train of thinking. "Yes ma'am?" he abruptly spurted. "I will take care of the smaller items on the list," she chuckled. "I would like to do my part around here, if that's okay with you." Choha bowed. "Yes ma'am, your help is greatly appreciated." Tsubaki chuckled, and waived her hand to free Choha of his bow. She then said goodbye to the others in the room, and made her way to finish the minor 3 tasks.

  • Verify all applicable items are accounted for
  • Check the parameters of the academy
    • Front Door
    • Back Door locked and sealed
    • Verify all additional classroom doors are locked
    • Windows are locked and sealed
    • checking within walls to verify there's no way to secretly enter
    • Verifying floorboards are sturdy and in pristine condition
  • Chuunins stationed outside and on top of the building.

Tsubaki would then go check on the other areas of the exams to verify all preparations were complete. Once given the green light she met with the Proctors to go over the exams 1 last time. This is it, she thought. This would be the day many would find out who houses the best Shinobi.

As 7am came upon the world it was expected of the Genins to be awake, and gathering at the Academy as instructed. They knew no other information but to show up on time, and on time only. They were also told by their Jonin leaders to arrive battle ready, but with an empty stomach. This was not an option as it was specified by their instructors to not eat breakfast. Whether they did or not was up to them, but it was best advised to follow their instruction. All Genins were told to be at a designated exam room at the Academy by 8am sharp. Their arrival was to be tallied by their photo and a brief description provided by their Jonin Leaders at the Academy entrance. Once inside, they would go to the 2nd floor where, at the end of the hall, there would be the large exam room for that floor. The doors would be closed, and they would have to wait outside in the hallway until 8am. In the hallway would be other Genins from different hidden villages, and from the sight of it these Genins do not want to have a conversation with you. The only thing on their mind is to pass the exams, and gauge what Konohagakure has to offer...If anything at all...

The Academy main entrance doors close at exactly 8am, and any Genin not inside the Academy once the doors close are to be disqualified.

Melia, Saito, Mizuki & Hikaru


The sun had yet to rise, but one member of the Senju Estate had already awoken. Saito Senju sat alone in his room. His hands pressed neatly into his lap while he meditated. Thoughts in his head continued to antagonize him; these images and voices raced, drifted, and all around jumbled into a fine mess of itself within Saito, causing a turmoil to well deep within his mind. If this could be called meditating, it was quite a terrible start. Saito finally huffed out a gentle sigh, trying to steel the nerves that ushered on without an end in sight.

Finally, Saito's pursed lips relaxed themselves. That insistence for a moment of inner peace proved fruitful while Saito's mind cleared the fog surrounding his emotions and thoughts. The young man was conflicted--yes, but wanting to exorcise himself. To overcome a deep and most unforgiveable wrong that Saito could not make right in time. The faces--of what he had seen that day. The dreadful baggage that came with it. The pain; of those faces, of his teammates, and the sacrifice that night when Team 3 decided upon their self-serving mission which abandoned the laws of Konohagakure.

Saito opened his eyes slowly and inhaled through the nose.

Exhaled through the mouth, and stood up muttering to himself.

"I will make it right, today, tomorrow, and every day after."
Saito's declaration that has been carried by his actions for some time now after returning to Konoha.


Saito had been awake for some time now, but the door to his room slid open to reveal the light from the hall. His father stood before him with his usual grumpy stare. Saito was surprised, often his father had a morning routine that led him to shed that grumpy stare--Why had he neglected it to check on Saito?

"You're already up." His father confirmed the obvious. The man seemed disheartened to see that being the case.
"Yeah, is mom up too?" Saito responded. He didn't pay much attention to his father's gestures, but finished getting his clothes on.
"I had to stop her from making breakfast. She forgot you weren't meant to eat this morning." His father grunted with exhaustion.
"Sound's like mom." Saito chuckled gently, and shook his head all the while.

30 minutes passed before Saito was ready to leap out the door, having to stave off his mother's exuberant maternal instincts. Consisting of but not limited to; hugs, kisses, more hugs, demanding longer hugs, cool handshake ideas that were out of style, and general motherly teasing. Before leaving the estate, his father stopped him at the entrance.

"Saito--" His father started, with Saito stopping in his tracks to listen.
"About what happened" His father continued "I know it hangs heavy in your heart, I'd like you to know that I have failed too. Failed numerous times; on comrades, on missions, and on the people who counted on me. I can't tell you it gets easier-- having to carry the weight. But we can all grow stronger so that weight isn't as cumbersome anymore." His father offered his hand out to Saito, staring at him not as his son: but as a man. A shinobi.

"I'm proud of you, and always will be. Don't you dare give up on anyone, but most importantly yourself. Keep fighting, keep being you." His father smiled gently to his son whom grasped his arm and vice versa. They both shared a moment of attachment, not unlike the one they shared before...This time it was uplifting. Giving Saito the fuel he needed to kickstart his morning with renewed vigor.

His dad might be an old man, but that was Saito's old man.


Time was racing towards the end point. Saito had the idea to collect his teammates early so they could meet at the appointed location as early as possible. First was Team Leader--- Melia Aburame.
Saito thought she was cute, in an alien way. Melia didn't seem so accustom to certain mannerisms or social ques, and it made Saito stifle a laugh or two whenever these situations flew right over Melia's head. Though the respect that comes with being Team Leader remained even if Saito would tease Melia otherwise. Saito remained in good standing with Melia after the Bell Test. His arrogance and dependance on himself quickly drowned itself out by the reasonable and taciturn Melia. Without her having given him a wakeup call at the final hour of their Bell Test Mission--They would never have succeeded in acquiring the bells. That day onward Saito pushed himself to the fullest in order to aid his comrades. Saito shares a deep respect and care for Melia, and will die for her in a heartbeat.

Saito landed at the Aburame Clan's entrance, waving to Melia with a big smile on his face. "Oi! Oi! Melia! Ready to get going?! We've gotta hurry and get there before everyone else!" Saito exclaimed. When Melia joined, Saito was off yet again now with his Team Leader in tow.

Now it was time to snatch the final and most important members of the team. The two that rounded out their arsenal and is worth sacrificing your own life for--- Mizuki and Hikaru Inuzuka

If you asked Saito who would be the next Clan Head of Inuzuka: His bet would always be 100% on Mizuki. Nobody was more determined, more worthy, or more talented as Mizuki. Nobody else could do it except Mizuki with Hikaru at her side. If Saito ever saw a single strand of Mizuki's hair out of place or tugged on: Death would follow Saito's fists for whoever dared to touch Mizuki. All three of his teammates were as close to him as family, and Saito would give up his life for all of them in a heartbeat. Without Mizuki, Saito and Melia would never have gotten along so easily. Especially not at the start when Saito and Melia were butting heads constantly, only for Mizuki to fan the flames between the two and bridge a connection through patience and empathy. Mizuki played a vital role in acquiring the bells.
This is why Saito, having snatched the bell along with Melia, handed his off to Mizuki instead.

"I'm not worthy of this bell. One day, maybe. Not today though. Even a fool knows when someone is more deserving than them."

Saito had to smirk at that arrogant little prick from all that time ago. That was the first day Saito truly began to change his ways.

Saito and Melia would arrive at the Inzukua Estate and hail down Mizuki and Hikaru.

"Come on you two! We gotta pick up the pace time's a-wasting!" Saito rushed ahead the both of them. "We've gotta get there before everyone else!" Saito hollered in glee, finally feeling complete with teammates in hand.


Team 3 had arrived an hour early, and having scoped the situation at hand arrived to the conclusion they were the first team to arrive in general. The 4 chatted, sometimes playing with Hikaru, and questioned the events of today. They had time to kill for sure and for Saito it was a good time to reminisce about his time with Team 3.
The Good and Bad.



All shared between the 4 members of this tight-knit Squad. Saito had to take a moment to look at his team members and smile. Had to reassure himself that there would never be a single entity, idea, or fate that could drive them against one another. Team 3 would always have each other's backs. No matter what their bonds were deepened on that fateful night on that one Mission. The one that changed everything for them all. A trust between them that was soaked in blood and rain, nurtured by their ideals coming together as one singular goal among them.

"I will make this right, today, tomorrow, and every day after."


Setting the last carefully shaped rice ball onto the tray, Mizuki surveyed the breakfast laid out before her to ensure it wasn't missing anything. Since her morning was looking to be busy, she had gotten up even earlier than she normally did to make sure she had enough time to prepare everything and it seemed she would have just enough time before her teammates arrived.

Glancing down at her faithful companion, she gave Hikaru a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Let's go see if she's hungry." She murmured softly, picking the tray up. With her brother and uncle out tending to their various tasks, the Estate was eerily quiet as she padded through its halls.

Soon she reached a door at the far end and gave a gentle knock before letting herself in, Hikaru slipping inside to take a seat by the door. Sunlight streamed through the window, spilling over a still form seated in a chair, their eyes gazing blankly out at the bustling village.

"Mom, I've brought you something to eat." The girl announced as she stepped forward to place the tray down on a small table next to the window. Hands now free, she reached forward to adjust the blanket that had slipped down the frail woman's shoulders, before smoothing some hair away from her face.

She was neither acknowledged nor spared a glance, her mothers dull eyes never straying from a chirping bird perched on a tree outside. Mizuki turned away to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, breathing shuddering in her chest as she inhaled deeply.

Some days her mother seemed her old self as she smiled and laughed with her children but other days she wandered around their home like a ghost, eyes staring at something that neither Mizuki or her brother could see. Lately it seemed as if the good days were far and few in-between; her mother just hadn't been the same ever since Mizuki's father had passed.

Her emotions firmly under control, she turned back to her mother and gave her a smile. "I have to leave soon, so eat your food while it's still hot. Masao should be home later to check up on you okay?" Leaning down she gently pressed her forehead against her mothers before withdrawing and heading towards the door. "Come on Hikaru, Melia and Saito should be here soon." She told her companion as she held the door open for him.

Golden eyes glanced up at her before he stood and padded his way over to her mother. He nudged her hand with his nose, staring up at her with pleading eyes. After a moment of no reaction he sighed and walked back over to Mizuki and followed her out into the hall. The door clicked closed behind them and Mizuki was off down the hall once more, stride filled with purpose.

After making sure she and Hikaru had everything they would need, they exited the Estate, squinting into the bright sunshine that greeted them. Just as Mizuki was breathing in the fresh morning air, a shout rent the air and a smile spread across her face as she spotted her teammates.

"Saito, Melia, good morning!" She called out to them as they waved her and Hikaru down. A laugh burst free as she chased after her teammates, Hikaru running after her as he barked out his own greeting.

Eventually the team reached their destination earlier than the time told to them, hardly any other team in sight. Mizuki took the time to smooth her hair down, some stands falling into her eyes from the run over. As she did, she took the time to examine her surroundings, mind running through the instructions given to them. "Wait, what time is it?" She asked abruptly, glancing at her teammates. "Weren't we supposed to be in the exam room at 8am on the dot?" She asked, whipping her head up to stare at the sun to clock what time it was.


One by one Melia caressed the flowers in her garden. At each flower her touch would linger for several seconds; at each flower her emotions stirred; at each flower her gaze unfocused, clouded by some far-off memory. At each flower a worker bee met the Aburame’s fingers, a silent interaction as the Bee reaffirmed the flower’s health and conveyed its needs.


For Melia Aburame, tending to her flora was often a swift affair: hundreds of bees could inspect hundreds of flowers in the time it took for the honey to dissolve in her morning tea. This slow sentimentality was new…relatively speaking. It had all started after her team’s ‘excursion’: a sudden desire to make her garden more than just a greenhouse of beautiful flowers, to fill it with…meaning.

And so, Melia has cleared some space and tilled a new flowerbed, populating it with a specific combination of flowers ordered from the Yamanaka Flower Shop. Each flower carried its own meaning:

Sweet and innocent Daphne…

Peaceful and abundant Ficus…

Courageous and hopeful Iris…

Excellent but wistful Maackia…

Forgiving Lythrum…

Benevolent Myrica..

Graceful Sabia…

Painful Flos…

One flower for each child they had failed to recovery and the kaleidoscope of feelings Melia held with regards to them.

Although Team Three had returned to duty as usual, in her heart of hearts Melia knew she would rather be out in the field, continuing the search. The Lady Hokage’s decision just didn’t sit right with her; she understood the logic, the rationale behind the decision and yet…it was deeply disconcerting. What was the use of a Village that couldn’t protect its youngest and most precious?

Melia released a breath and tension unbidden drain from her body. A sip of minty-sweet tea helped her to relax, to enjoy the peace and quiet of early morning. It didn’t last long…

There was nothing quite as LOUD as Saito’s hollering; well, there was really nothing as loud as Saito in general. ‘Words speak loud, but actions speak louder’, the boy was always quipping something along those lines and the phrase confused Melia to this very day. After all, wasn’t his mouth way louder than any of his jutsu?

That boy rarely made a lick of sense…

Swiftly finishing her tea, Melia swept through her home, leaving scent-messages for her parents before she went to meet Saito. His energy was overwhelming—as usual—and Melia was content to let him lead the way to Mizuki’s.

Their Inuzuka teammate, thankfully, wasn’t as loud as Saito. She was a sweet thing with an even sweeter companion; she was also the first-person Melia had met who was almost as short as herself and not a literal child. The Aburame liked to think she had bonded with Mizuki over their shared vertical challenges and they were fast partner when inflicting injury on Saito’s shins.

It was only once their entire team had gathered that Melia gave her greetings. Drawing characters through the air with her fingers, Melia left behind a thin trail of pheromones that her insects soon gathered around, creating insect-letters that spelt out her message— « Good Morning! »

Habitually early risers, Team Three often arrived for their missions in advance—as would befit a team of their pedigree. However, as they neared the location of today’s mission Mizuku brought up a critical point Melia had overlooked.

« Yes…Genju-sensei was very specific. Show up on time and only on time… Strange… »

With a wide wave, the insects dispersed, and Melia begun writing again.

« He also said we weren’t supposed to have breakfast… do you think this is another Bell Test? »

Melia’s brow furrowed as she transcribed her thoughts with one hand (the other, of course, was far too busy offering honey and head-pats to Hikaru). After several moments, she came to a conclusion.

« We should wait. Genju-sensei wouldn't have been that specific without reason. »

With the team in agreement, the trio found a comfortable spot to pass the time. However, it wasn't long before the team's sharpest senses picked up on something...unusual. There were a lot of people present, people from other villages. Why in heavens would there be foreign ninja squads in Konoha? At the Academy no less?

There were only a few plausible explanations. They were either about to be involved in the largest international-cooperation in shinobi history or— « This is the Chunin Exams! »

Melia's swarm buzzed to life with her epiphany. Not a moment later, her eyes took on a crafty gleam.

« Keep an eye on the other teams, no ninjutsu—we don't want to give anything away. If this really is the exams, then we'll want every advantage we can get when we face them later on. »

The Aburame's mind worked furiously, her eyes darted to and fro then settled on Mizuki & Hikaru.

« Mizuki, do you want to hide Hikaru or...? Actually, it won't matter, your Inuzuka Tattoos will give you away anyway, so we might as well see what Hikaru can sniff out. »

« Genju-sensei warned us to be battle-ready, so stay sharp, there might even be fighting as soon as it hits 8 a.m. »

« Ready team...? Let's go! »


by Imagine Dragons​

this post was made in collaboration with
SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º


The sun had yet to rise, but one member of the Senju Estate had already awoken. Saito Senju sat alone in his room. His hands pressed neatly into his lap while he meditated. Thoughts in his head continued to antagonize him; these images and voices raced, drifted, and all around jumbled into a fine mess of itself within Saito, causing a turmoil to well deep within his mind. If this could be called meditating, it was quite a terrible start. Saito finally huffed out a gentle sigh, trying to steel the nerves that ushered on without an end in sight.

Finally, Saito's pursed lips relaxed themselves. That insistence for a moment of inner peace proved fruitful while Saito's mind cleared the fog surrounding his emotions and thoughts. The young man was conflicted--yes, but wanting to exorcise himself. To overcome a deep and most unforgiveable wrong that Saito could not make right in time. The faces--of what he had seen that day. The dreadful baggage that came with it. The pain; of those faces, of his teammates, and the sacrifice that night when Team 3 decided upon their self-serving mission which abandoned the laws of Konohagakure.

Saito opened his eyes slowly and inhaled through the nose.

Exhaled through the mouth, and stood up muttering to himself.

"I will make it right, today, tomorrow, and every day after."
Saito's declaration that has been carried by his actions for some time now after returning to Konoha.


Saito had been awake for some time now, but the door to his room slid open to reveal the light from the hall. His father stood before him with his usual grumpy stare. Saito was surprised, often his father had a morning routine that led him to shed that grumpy stare--Why had he neglected it to check on Saito?

"You're already up." His father confirmed the obvious. The man seemed disheartened to see that being the case.
"Yeah, is mom up too?" Saito responded. He didn't pay much attention to his father's gestures, but finished getting his clothes on.
"I had to stop her from making breakfast. She forgot you weren't meant to eat this morning." His father grunted with exhaustion.
"Sound's like mom." Saito chuckled gently, and shook his head all the while.

30 minutes passed before Saito was ready to leap out the door, having to stave off his mother's exuberant maternal instincts. Consisting of but not limited to; hugs, kisses, more hugs, demanding longer hugs, cool handshake ideas that were out of style, and general motherly teasing. Before leaving the estate, his father stopped him at the entrance.

"Saito--" His father started, with Saito stopping in his tracks to listen.
"About what happened" His father continued "I know it hangs heavy in your heart, I'd like you to know that I have failed too. Failed numerous times; on comrades, on missions, and on the people who counted on me. I can't tell you it gets easier-- having to carry the weight. But we can all grow stronger so that weight isn't as cumbersome anymore." His father offered his hand out to Saito, staring at him not as his son: but as a man. A shinobi.

"I'm proud of you, and always will be. Don't you dare give up on anyone, but most importantly yourself. Keep fighting, keep being you." His father smiled gently to his son whom grasped his arm and vice versa. They both shared a moment of attachment, not unlike the one they shared before...This time it was uplifting. Giving Saito the fuel he needed to kickstart his morning with renewed vigor.

His dad might be an old man, but that was Saito's old man.


Time was racing towards the end point. Saito had the idea to collect his teammates early so they could meet at the appointed location as early as possible. First was Team Leader--- Melia Aburame.
Saito thought she was cute, in an alien way. Melia didn't seem so accustom to certain mannerisms or social ques, and it made Saito stifle a laugh or two whenever these situations flew right over Melia's head. Though the respect that comes with being Team Leader remained even if Saito would tease Melia otherwise. Saito remained in good standing with Melia after the Bell Test. His arrogance and dependance on himself quickly drowned itself out by the reasonable and taciturn Melia. Without her having given him a wakeup call at the final hour of their Bell Test Mission--They would never have succeeded in acquiring the bells. That day onward Saito pushed himself to the fullest in order to aid his comrades. Saito shares a deep respect and care for Melia, and will die for her in a heartbeat.

Saito landed at the Aburame Clan's entrance, waving to Melia with a big smile on his face. "Oi! Oi! Melia! Ready to get going?! We've gotta hurry and get there before everyone else!" Saito exclaimed. When Melia joined, Saito was off yet again now with his Team Leader in tow.

Now it was time to snatch the final and most important members of the team. The two that rounded out their arsenal and is worth sacrificing your own life for--- Mizuki and Hikaru Inuzuka

If you asked Saito who would be the next Clan Head of Inuzuka: His bet would always be 100% on Mizuki. Nobody was more determined, more worthy, or more talented as Mizuki. Nobody else could do it except Mizuki with Hikaru at her side. If Saito ever saw a single strand of Mizuki's hair out of place or tugged on: Death would follow Saito's fists for whoever dared to touch Mizuki. All three of his teammates were as close to him as family, and Saito would give up his life for all of them in a heartbeat. Without Mizuki, Saito and Melia would never have gotten along so easily. Especially not at the start when Saito and Melia were butting heads constantly, only for Mizuki to fan the flames between the two and bridge a connection through patience and empathy. Mizuki played a vital role in acquiring the bells.
This is why Saito, having snatched the bell along with Melia, handed his off to Mizuki instead.

"I'm not worthy of this bell. One day, maybe. Not today though. Even a fool knows when someone is more deserving than them."

Saito had to smirk at that arrogant little prick from all that time ago. That was the first day Saito truly began to change his ways.

Saito and Melia would arrive at the Inzukua Estate and hail down Mizuki and Hikaru.

"Come on you two! We gotta pick up the pace time's a-wasting!" Saito rushed ahead the both of them. "We've gotta get there before everyone else!" Saito hollered in glee, finally feeling complete with teammates in hand.


Team 3 had arrived an hour early, and having scoped the situation at hand arrived to the conclusion they were the first team to arrive in general. The 4 chatted, sometimes playing with Hikaru, and questioned the events of today. They had time to kill for sure and for Saito it was a good time to reminisce about his time with Team 3.
The Good and Bad.



All shared between the 4 members of this tight-knit Squad. Saito had to take a moment to look at his team members and smile. Had to reassure himself that there would never be a single entity, idea, or fate that could drive them against one another. Team 3 would always have each other's backs. No matter what their bonds were deepened on that fateful night on that one Mission. The one that changed everything for them all. A trust between them that was soaked in blood and rain, nurtured by their ideals coming together as one singular goal among them.

"I will make this right, today, tomorrow, and every day after."


Setting the last carefully shaped rice ball onto the tray, Mizuki surveyed the breakfast laid out before her to ensure it wasn't missing anything. Since her morning was looking to be busy, she had gotten up even earlier than she normally did to make sure she had enough time to prepare everything and it seemed she would have just enough time before her teammates arrived.

Glancing down at her faithful companion, she gave Hikaru a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Let's go see if she's hungry." She murmured softly, picking the tray up. With her brother and uncle out tending to their various tasks, the Estate was eerily quiet as she padded through its halls.

Soon she reached a door at the far end and gave a gentle knock before letting herself in, Hikaru slipping inside to take a seat by the door. Sunlight streamed through the window, spilling over a still form seated in a chair, their eyes gazing blankly out at the bustling village.

"Mom, I've brought you something to eat." The girl announced as she stepped forward to place the tray down on a small table next to the window. Hands now free, she reached forward to adjust the blanket that had slipped down the frail woman's shoulders, before smoothing some hair away from her face.

She was neither acknowledged nor spared a glance, her mothers dull eyes never straying from a chirping bird perched on a tree outside. Mizuki turned away to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, breathing shuddering in her chest as she inhaled deeply.

Some days her mother seemed her old self as she smiled and laughed with her children but other days she wandered around their home like a ghost, eyes staring at something that neither Mizuki or her brother could see. Lately it seemed as if the good days were far and few in-between; her mother just hadn't been the same ever since Mizuki's father had passed.

Her emotions firmly under control, she turned back to her mother and gave her a smile. "I have to leave soon, so eat your food while it's still hot. Masao should be home later to check up on you okay?" Leaning down she gently pressed her forehead against her mothers before withdrawing and heading towards the door. "Come on Hikaru, Melia and Saito should be here soon." She told her companion as she held the door open for him.

Golden eyes glanced up at her before he stood and padded his way over to her mother. He nudged her hand with his nose, staring up at her with pleading eyes. After a moment of no reaction he sighed and walked back over to Mizuki and followed her out into the hall. The door clicked closed behind them and Mizuki was off down the hall once more, stride filled with purpose.

After making sure she and Hikaru had everything they would need, they exited the Estate, squinting into the bright sunshine that greeted them. Just as Mizuki was breathing in the fresh morning air, a shout rent the air and a smile spread across her face as she spotted her teammates.

"Saito, Melia, good morning!" She called out to them as they waved her and Hikaru down. A laugh burst free as she chased after her teammates, Hikaru running after her as he barked out his own greeting.

Eventually the team reached their destination earlier than the time told to them, hardly any other team in sight. Mizuki took the time to smooth her hair down, some stands falling into her eyes from the run over. As she did, she took the time to examine her surroundings, mind running through the instructions given to them. "Wait, what time is it?" She asked abruptly, glancing at her teammates. "Weren't we supposed to be in the exam room at 8am on the dot?" She asked, whipping her head up to stare at the sun to clock what time it was.


One by one Melia caressed the flowers in her garden. At each flower her touch would linger for several seconds; at each flower her emotions stirred; at each flower her gaze unfocused, clouded by some far-off memory. At each flower a worker bee met the Aburame’s fingers, a silent interaction as the Bee reaffirmed the flower’s health and conveyed its needs.


For Melia Aburame, tending to her flora was often a swift affair: hundreds of bees could inspect hundreds of flowers in the time it took for the honey to dissolve in her morning tea. This slow sentimentality was new…relatively speaking. It had all started after her team’s ‘excursion’: a sudden desire to make her garden more than just a greenhouse of beautiful flowers, to fill it with…meaning.

And so, Melia has cleared some space and tilled a new flowerbed, populating it with a specific combination of flowers ordered from the Yamanaka Flower Shop. Each flower carried its own meaning:

Sweet and innocent Daphne…

Peaceful and abundant Ficus…

Courageous and hopeful Iris…

Excellent but wistful Maackia…

Forgiving Lythrum…

Benevolent Myrica..

Graceful Sabia…

Painful Flos…

One flower for each child they had failed to recovery and the kaleidoscope of feelings Melia held with regards to them.

Although Team Three had returned to duty as usual, in her heart of hearts Melia knew she would rather be out in the field, continuing the search. The Lady Hokage’s decision just didn’t sit right with her; she understood the logic, the rationale behind the decision and yet…it was deeply disconcerting. What was the use of a Village that couldn’t protect its youngest and most precious?

Melia released a breath and tension unbidden drain from her body. A sip of minty-sweet tea helped her to relax, to enjoy the peace and quiet of early morning. It didn’t last long…

There was nothing quite as LOUD as Saito’s hollering; well, there was really nothing as loud as Saito in general. ‘Words speak loud, but actions speak louder’, the boy was always quipping something along those lines and the phrase confused Melia to this very day. After all, wasn’t his mouth way louder than any of his jutsu?

That boy rarely made a lick of sense…

Swiftly finishing her tea, Melia swept through her home, leaving scent-messages for her parents before she went to meet Saito. His energy was overwhelming—as usual—and Melia was content to let him lead the way to Mizuki’s.

Their Inuzuka teammate, thankfully, wasn’t as loud as Saito. She was a sweet thing with an even sweeter companion; she was also the first-person Melia had met who was almost as short as herself and not a literal child. The Aburame liked to think she had bonded with Mizuki over their shared vertical challenges and they were fast partner when inflicting injury on Saito’s shins.

It was only once their entire team had gathered that Melia gave her greetings. Drawing characters through the air with her fingers, Melia left behind a thin trail of pheromones that her insects soon gathered around, creating insect-letters that spelt out her message— « Good Morning! »

Habitually early risers, Team Three often arrived for their missions in advance—as would befit a team of their pedigree. However, as they neared the location of today’s mission Mizuku brought up a critical point Melia had overlooked.

« Yes…Genju-sensei was very specific. Show up on time and only on time… Strange… »

With a wide wave, the insects dispersed, and Melia begun writing again.

« He also said we weren’t supposed to have breakfast… do you think this is another Bell Test? »

Melia’s brow furrowed as she transcribed her thoughts with one hand (the other, of course, was far too busy offering honey and head-pats to Hikaru). After several moments, she came to a conclusion.

« We should wait. Genju-sensei wouldn't have been that specific without reason. »

With the team in agreement, the trio found a comfortable spot to pass the time. However, it wasn't long before the team's sharpest senses picked up on something...unusual. There were a lot of people present, people from other villages. Why in heavens would there be foreign ninja squads in Konoha? At the Academy no less?

There were only a few plausible explanations. They were either about to be involved in the largest international-cooperation in shinobi history or— « This is the Chunin Exams! »

Melia's swarm buzzed to life with her epiphany. Not a moment later, her eyes took on a crafty gleam.

« Keep an eye on the other teams, no ninjutsu—we don't want to give anything away. If this really is the exams, then we'll want every advantage we can get when we face them later on. »

The Aburame's mind worked furiously, her eyes darted to and fro then settled on Mizuki & Hikaru.

« Mizuki, do you want to hide Hikaru or...? Actually, it won't matter, your Inuzuka Tattoos will give you away anyway, so we might as well see what Hikaru can sniff out. »

« Genju-sensei warned us to be battle-ready, so stay sharp, there might even be fighting as soon as it hits 8 a.m. »

« Ready team...? Let's go! »
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Having moved a couple of steps ahead of her teammates, Chohime kneeled down on the grass and lowered her index finger until it gently touched the ground. Just like that, she could tell how many enemy ninjas there were and exactly where they were located. Words were not necessary to convey this information to the rest of the squad, not when there was a Yamanaka involved. And then, there was Shikakida. Feed a Nara enough information and, chances wered, they'd turn any pinch into an opportunity.

"Alright! Come out!" The fit and slender Akimichi made an enthusiastic gesture catching her fist with her open palm, which she used both to taunt her foes so they'd come out of their hiding spots and to energyze herself for the start of what she believed would be a very active and enjoyable workout. Behind her, Tsume and Kida shook their heads in slight frustration and disbelief, as this bold move had already crossed out the stealthy approach from the list, together with thirty viable strategies to carry out a swift, troubleless subjugation. "By the time Sensei arrives, there will be not one of you left standing. You hear that?!"

And so, what the princess decreed, became reality. Minutes later, she was sitting over a pile of defeated ninja, one hand crossed over the other, like a true monarch resting on a human throne. Her teammates were by her sides, resting their hands on their knees, out of breath, perhaps due to the extra effort they had to go through to make the mission a success. It was only then than it happened: The ground began to shake violently, in a way that no one in the Fire Country could have foretold. This natural disaster inmediately robbed Chohime of any and all grace she possessed, made her loss balance and...

--- Ultimately, forced her awake.

"Uggnnn..." The Akimichi groaned, her half-lidded eyes searching for the reason why she had suddenly been smacked so hard. The culprit was not to far away, if there was something that could be held accountable for her downfall other than her own misfortune. In its defense, it might have been an accident with no criminal intent, as some of its sheets had protected the victim from a slightly more painful fate. Needless to say, this princess was not a morning person at all, so while she could run around all day like a toy with a full battery, this was the moment at which she was the weakest. It would be no surprise if she allowed herself the priviledge of remaining there, hell, the sheets could make a good makeshift pillow. "Mmmm... Uwah!"

At least, it should have been that way. Alas, today was different.

When her topaz colored orbs drew her attention to the hour displayed on the clock - She inmediately jumped into a stance like a trained martial artist not ready to face defeat.

"Late, late, late!" This was not an unsual scenario in her life. Thankfully, vast experience in being 'almost too late' had granted Chohime a mastery over the art of speed-dressing. Combined with her 'pay no attention to fashion sense' mindset, it turned the whole craft into a ninja art of its own. Of course, this didn't save her from looking a bit clumsy, skipping from side to side as put on different parts of her costume, but, at the end of it, In no more than a couple of minutes, she had completed a task that many other women in the village would consider an impossible feat. "Chohi-" By the time her mother opened the door to her room, the little rascal had already made her escape through the window.

--- Ah, she was supposed not to eat breakfast that day, right? Like hell she would remember! Especially when she was like this, on high alert, every cell in her body working in tandem so she could better race against the clock. Buuuut, since she never had the chance to venture to the kitchen since she was in such a hurry, the day had been saved nonetheless.

"6.57... Alright! Piece of cake."
Three minutes to get to the Academy and about an hour before the exam. She had seen worse predicaments. "Hah...!"

Here she came, people; jumping from one roof to the next.

The girl who would become Hokage.
"What the fuck?" Tensei whispered to himself when he saw the empty pantry. Having woke up only moments ago, he was looking to get some breakfast but ran into this snag. "What the fuck?" He repeated a bit louder, as he continued to search his kitchen cabinets for food. Completely vacated. Practically sprinting the two meters over to the fridge and damn near ripping the door off.

"What the fuck!?"

The fridge was not empty as you might be led to believe, just that it'd been unplugged, subsequently obliterating all the perishables inside overnight. Stomping down the hall to the stairwell door, he swiped it open with a fervor and screamed down into the forge below.

"Dad, what the fuck did you do to the kitchen!?" It was swiftly met with a fast thwack over top his head with todays copy of Ninja Way News. "Shhhhit! Ow!"

"Do you really think we'd let your little dumbass eat breakfast when our Aoi specifically told you not to?" Tensei's mom Taiya pulled him by the collar following the strike. Tensei's eyes narrowed at the way they referred to his sensei. "You need to go get ready, and don't bother looking for your wallet: we're not so stupid as to let you hold on to money for food on the way." Tensei could only click his tongue at that, making a return to his room to gear himself up.

Starting at his Hakama, he could only let a sigh puff out of his mouth at the several spots on it he had to stitch closed over the course of his not super extensive service as a ninja. The bandages on both of his forefingers and thumbs evidence enough to how much trouble that made for him. "Suzume would be so much better at this." He winged to himself, beginning to play with the rings on his fingers. Ten months, huh? Give or take. All thing things that he'd done in that time, it doesn't always feel real. Conspiracies, cave spelunking of sorts, and the one thing that got him and Haruko to agree on something for once: that goddamn Uchiha escort.

Pushing past it, he hopped clumsily into his hakama, bumping into and rolling onto the walls as he did so. Now on the ceiling, he reached down into his closet and retrieved a black compression shirt, which he also struggled with: it felt tighter than normal. His focus slipping at the last second, he came crashing to the floor. Finally getting it over his head in that moment, he looked over all the folds and creases of the shirt, or rather a lack thereof. Did I bulk up? He had been pushing his limits a little the past few days, he just didn't think it was that much. His jacket followed, and he took inventory of his pockets as he did so. Yep, my wallet is gone. But not my spare change! It was just enough to buy him a meat bun on the way. There was a case underneath his bed he pulled out into the open. Opening it up, it was Zantetsuken and his left arm guard: Tetsuzanko. His arm guard was furled up into a hunk of folded steel plates that he hooked onto a receiver in his jacket where it released its latch and expanded outwards where he pushed each part through their lock gates to form the guard around his arm. Clenching and unclenching his fist to feel it out, he then came down to take Zantetsuken into his hands: he inspected the gate action to make sure it wouldn't stick today, having run into that issue late last month he made sure to start lubricating the mechanism more often. Bringing it to his belt catch, he took to the door ready to go. On the door, he pulled his Leaf Plate down and slapped it onto the receiver at his shoulder where it made a distinct ringing noise. Time to go.

"That's... annoying." Tensei tugged on the third window. This one was locked as well, and he didn't doubt that he was going to have to go through the front door. He wasn't trying to break any rules—except that meat bun of course—but he shuddered at the idea of having to go through the front door and touch the ground. Fuck that. Still, he could spin this. Moving to the front entrance, he could see the Genin of all walks entering. Leaf, Mist, Cloud, the whole nine-yards for this one. He stood on the wall just above the door, and with a swift motion he took the frame into his hand and swung into the door with enough momentum to put him back on the ceiling on the other side of it. Now to find the classroom.

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