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Fantasy World of Darkness; L.A. By Night OOC

Ha ha! I can make the words black instead if you'd like.
Instead of colouring text white after a colour, you could clear the colour format with the little eraser icon on the colour tool. That way, the text colour will default to black on light mode, and white on dark mode.
Instead of colouring text white after a colour, you could clear the colour format with the little eraser icon on the colour tool. That way, the text colour will default to black on light mode, and white on dark mode.
Oh! Great idea! I shall do that!
Fox of Fate Fox of Fate
Your characters look cool - think we've got two people called Bella now. Always nice to see another shapeshifter too!
Any ideas what you want to start them doing or whatnot?
Aside from getting them established and stuff? Not sure yet! But my starting post will be up shortly. Assuming the DM likes them but since they haven't said anything otherwise and liked the post, that suggests they are accepted XD
Aside from getting them established and stuff? Not sure yet! But my starting post will be up shortly. Assuming the DM likes them but since they haven't said anything otherwise and liked the post, that suggests they are accepted XD
They’re accepted, I’d have raised comment before having you put them in the character thread if there was a problem XD
So from my quick read of the IC, everyone has gathered and are at BackAgain, right?
A lot of characters are there but Yağmur and Violet just left to visit Susan and Rachel, so they’ve left the restaurant.
We can make the book about anything because I'm not sure if we ever mentioned what is was about. I thought maybe at first to make it about blood sorcery, but I don't mind retconning anything.
We can make the book about anything because I'm not sure if we ever mentioned what is was about. I thought maybe at first to make it about blood sorcery, but I don't mind retconning anything.
Blood Sorcery...


I mean it can be anything so whatever perks the interest.
Go team! We can definitely make it about anything! Maybe blood sorcery has something to do with the sarcophagus!
Ok so now all we need to do is come up with

-how these two are officially convient
-how we discover that and work together!
Maybe it was a tremere? And the book is a key to the sarcophagus, in the wrong hands it could be bad?

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