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Fantasy ´ 𝑷𝑨𝑿 𝑹𝑶𝒀𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑺 ` 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

Zhu Xueqin

sleepover was definitely a choice in what activity the hosts decided to organize. Staying in the same room with a stranger and not having a say about who was her roommate was not something Xueqin desired, if it was up to her nobody would have the honor to share a room even less a bed with the most precious gem of Auriche. Unfortunately, there was nothing the young princess could do to avoid it, so for that night, a stranger would be the lucky one to have her presence. She only hoped her companion wouldn’t be a barbarian.

She walked across the hallway as the hosts directed her to the room. When she entered, she was received by a room that fulfilled Xueqin’s expectations. At least it was the least the host could do for someone like her. But while the room was perfectly arranged to her liking, there was a disruptive figure, or in this case, three disruptive figures, on what once she thought was a pristine bed.

The shock was evident on the princess’ face and she was sure the gasp she let out was not as discreet as she thought. This was supposed to be a mistake. How could she be paired with someone like him? This was terrible, a complete joke, and one of incredibly bad taste. Xueqin couldn’t take her eyes off the two felines that were resting comfortably on the bed. She wasn’t the type of person to be afraid of things, but she didn’t want to gamble on getting any closer to them for the sake of one of her limbs.

The princess waited for any sign that her companion would say something, even introduce himself, which was the bare minimum, but it seemed that once again Xueqin was met with people with no manners and she started wondering if perhaps that was something the hosts didn’t check before their arrival, she just hoped it wasn’t going to become the usual.

“Greetings, I am Princess Zhu Xueqin of Auriche. I apologize for my tardiness on my arrival.”
Xueqin said, hoping she wouldn’t end up without a replied, that would be the most embarrassing thing for her.







coded by xayah.ღ

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