Recent content by Zack

  1. Z

    Westburrow Health and Rehabilitation by HannahThunder, All Are Welcome.

    Name: Zack Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: (To be added) Personality: Smart, Funny, and Only trusting very close friends. Also, Sexual Orientation = Straight. <-- But not "homophobe". Background: He was orphaned when his mother, father, brother, and sister were all killed in a car...
  2. Z

    Other Graphics Design Question

    that's why i said HAVE in caps lock, I don't like it. It's too old and outdated. --- Merged Double Post --- Oh- Here is the first little picture I made :) Decent for a first try?
  3. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    (then you should have put that above, you left me at a point where i couldn't do or say anything BUT control them, it's really no big deal, and I planned on the human killing the locust later...)
  4. Z

    waiting to see another blog..

    waiting to see another blog..
  5. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    ...And so the bidding war for Ghost commenced. It started off with 8 different bidders until it came down to one human and one locust. The two fiercely outbid each other until the locust made a bid that the human couldn't match, much less out do. The Kantus urged Ghost over to the side of...
  6. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Ghost kicked the locust in the face. The locust quickly recovered and pulled out his boltok and began aiming it at ghost when another refugee tackled his arm. The locust misfired at the ground then swang his arm knocking the refugee to the ground. The locust grabbed Ghost, dragging him by...
  7. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Carmine.. There is silence for a few seconds If you ever do find Bronco, just tell him to stay strong, alright? There is a loud boom, right after Ghost says this. Gah- What is happening out there? You can hear human voices, shouting, and gunfire..
  8. Z

    Other Graphics Design Question

    okay hate to write a short post in response to a freaking huge post but I'm going to ... *shuns himself* Thanks for the post, this helps i'm going to download \ check out GIMP I've heard of it before but wanted some feedback on others and this really has helped a lot - looking to just make...
  9. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Ghost ponders for a brief moment. Solid walls? Nothing to dig with? Hmm... There's no way out of this one.. "unng-" especially for me.. Carmine, I won't be worth anything in this shape, when we get out there... They will kill me.
  10. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Speaks aloud - fairly stable What are they doing with us? What do they want? just then 2 locust pull a man out of the room (if approved)
  11. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Who are the others..? He said with a blank, plain tone, as if he is out of breath
  12. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    I am so tired.. I can't think straight. He could now see farther and clearer but was in much pain. Where are we? Though Ghost knew the answer, he asked anyway.
  13. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Ghost squented his eyes with his head tilted David? .. Is that.. He opened his eyes wider Dave- D- I... Can't.. Ghost began to collapse forward in his lap, in worse shape than before.. struggling to stay awake.
  14. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    Ghost's vision was blurry but he was conscious enough to tell he was captured, he turned his head to the right, Hu- Huu- he was mumbling and squenting now. Car..Carmiii.. He blacked out again. He awoke again and heard a human speak in the distant somewhere Get off me you piece of filth...
  15. Z

    Gears of War : return of Darkness.

    A battle scene where one veteran is put to the test, this is an important post for the following RP Damn! Ghost quickly pulled out his boltok and fired twice at the grub, one hitting his target in the chest.Ghost began running full speed zig-zagging toward the walls trying to dodge the...